How to sell unfinished conversion - help needed

Dilby replied on 13/04/2024 14:35

Posted on 13/04/2024 14:35

Hi everyone - hoping I'm posting this is the right place.

Back at the end of 2021 I purchased a van with my wife to convert into a campervan. We were coming off the back of several years of traumatic personal events and decided to travel in a camper. I started the conversion process however at the start of 2022 however out of the blue we found out we were pregnant (after years of trying and effectively giving up). So the van took a backseat while I did a range of other DIY tasks around the home and made adjustments to work and since then as having a newborn with no family nearby takes it's toll, unfortunately the van is not complete and I am considering selling it as as project.

Although to many it might look like not much has been done, there's a lot of the groundwork done, and it's at a point where the final bits of lining need to happen (floor and ceiling) and then onto the furniture.

I'm hoping some folks would be kind enough to let me know what they would do in this situation; only a bit more work would see it fully lined but I know that various people will want to do different things aesthetically with the floor and ceiling so it feels at a good point for someone else to takeover.

The van itself is a 2017 Citroen Relay L2H2 with a bit of 37k miles. It's a solid van in great condition with full service history, and I'm hoping that someone would want to buy it as a project that helps them skip a lot of the hard initial work. It's also got a lot of items already included such as Autoterm diesel heater (pro fitted with warranty), maxair fan, the windows, swivel bench seat and lots more.

It'd be great to get recommendations on where I could sell this and where to pitch it price wise. I bough the van for just shy of £20k - I'm aware that it would have lost value as a van since then but that I've done a lot of work on it and added a lot of items to it. 

I've also got professional electrical schematics for the van, much of which is already installed and a lot of the extras I would include an an extra and any that don't get buy I suppose I would sell off on ebay etc.
Would love to hear people's thoughts - thanks so much! Hav e attached some images to illustrate how it is at the moment.

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