Great news!

Oneputt replied on 05/09/2018 19:59

Posted on 05/09/2018 19:59

Great news, there were 59 at Horsey on the 30th of August 18.  We regularly see them at Hickling Broad and at least 16 roost there

Oneputt replied on 05/09/2018 20:30

Posted on 05/09/2018 20:30

There are storks at Thrigby Hall that are free to fly so occasionally we get to see a couple around here

mickysf replied on 02/03/2024 09:57

Posted on 02/03/2024 09:57

Almost five years on from the original post and some absolutely fabulous news today. The UKs crane population is soaring, literally. There is light when we try our best.

It will be fifteen years this summer since I first saw these birds whilst on a wildlife motor-homing holiday in East Anglia. Fantastic sight and memories.

RedKite replied on 02/03/2024 10:16

Posted on 02/03/2024 10:16

 I have also just read the news with RSPB  and greats news as you say mickysf and hope I might see some whilst in UK this year.

I watch the migration of the Cranes here on the web and sometimes we do get a lot going over but a lot of cloud about and not able to see any but the other day about 12,000 went from south towards Germany but not over our department the Lot-et-Garonne seems to be a main corridor for them.

Wherenext replied on 02/03/2024 13:08

Posted on 02/03/2024 13:08

You never know where you are likely to see birds. We were once walking in March through Paris and I looked up and saw 4 Cranes flying North Westward.

Last saw one flying South  over the Wash marshes quite close to us whilst we were on a sea wall walking around Frampton Marsh last Autumn. There was a group quite a way ahead on the wall with telescopes out scanning the lakes with their backs to the marsh area.  Missed seeing it completely. Such is the life of a birdwatcher.

mickysf replied on 02/03/2024 14:19

Posted on 02/03/2024 14:19

Just been tipped off, six at Willow Tree Fen this afternoon, Unfortunately I’m out of the county right now.

Yes, WN I know what you mean, I missed a Swallowtail whilst I nipped back to the car for the picnic I’d forgotten, something Mrs SF reminds me of now and again. She did get a photo mind to support her tick!

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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