Annual General Meeting

RowenaBCAMC replied on 08/10/2021 11:00

Posted on 08/10/2021 11:00

This years Annual General Meeting will be held at 2pm on Saturday 23rd October 2021 at the Pavilion Suite, The racecourse, Chester, CH1 2LY.

If you are a Full/Lead member and would like to attend in person or virtually please register here: REGISTER

Alternatively if you are a full member you can vote on the motions by proxy, electronically in advance of the meeting by following the instructions here: VOTE BY PROXY

The deadline to vote is 23:59 on the 20 October 2021

replied on 29/10/2021 11:17

Posted on 28/10/2021 21:49 by Wherenext

There have been occasions where I have turned up at a site and found choosing a pitch would be by location on the site and it mattered not whether it was grass or hardstanding. Normally when the weather was favourable.

This proposed system may stop that if I have had to choose one or the other when booking. I hope the wardens will be given flexibility in the matter. I can only assume that if there was sufficient grass pitches left over I could swap but if booking onto a "full" site then you are stuck with what's left over.

I honestly can't remember if they can switch at the moment from non awning pitch to awning if they have sufficient empty pitches or vice versa.  I assume so.

Is there any indication that you will be able to choose a particular pitch? That will definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons.

Oh what fun to come.

Thankfully I don't normally end up arriving at nearly full sites but it does very occasionally happen.

Posted on 29/10/2021 11:17

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