Storage fees

brian7483 replied on 18/11/2021 16:01

Posted on 18/11/2021 16:01

Hello everyone,

Just received my renewal notice for caravan storage at Durham Grange CAMC site. Last years price £450. This years price £500. That is an increase of 11% which is way above the price of expected inflation. WOW! wasn't expecting that. I thought about £20 increase. The sad thing is I will probably have to pay it because with all the newbies, this year and last year, storage sites are at a premium. Talk about taking advantage!

redface replied on 11/01/2022 14:02

Posted on 11/01/2022 14:02

Try Kings Toll Farm TN1 7HA, Royanne Kenworthy (Ton Hire) on 01892 836155.

No CCTV, security is a Padlocked gate but vans are well hidden from view from the road.

Just bought 6 months for £268.

KeithL replied on 14/01/2022 16:45

Posted on 18/11/2021 16:01 by brian7483

Hello everyone,

Just received my renewal notice for caravan storage at Durham Grange CAMC site. Last years price £450. This years price £500. That is an increase of 11% which is way above the price of expected inflation. WOW! wasn't expecting that. I thought about £20 increase. The sad thing is I will probably have to pay it because with all the newbies, this year and last year, storage sites are at a premium. Talk about taking advantage!

Posted on 14/01/2022 16:45

Mine went up 66% in August last year with a reduction in opening hours at the storage yard to boot. 

Started looking around and added name to local waiting lists until Storm Arwen destroyed my caravan so took the insurance payout and now given up the caravanning after 40 years.

Became too expensive a hobby over the last few years anyway so now saving a fortune every year. 

vannersRus replied on 16/01/2022 09:36

Posted on 16/01/2022 09:36

Judging by the listed comments it seems that storage is a major concern to club members. My current experience is relevant to this discussion. We have been CC members since 1986 and have stored at My Caravan Space for about 3 years when they took over the storage from the original owner. During 2021 a new "security" system was introduced which entailed entering a secure code each time the site was entered This is a CaSSOA site and I have taken advantage of the Club Insurance Offer of discount on my caravan insurance which saves me £40.48. The new security system failed and I was not allowed access. I was told I had caused the problem, but I had not accessed the system so could not have made any changes. If this sounds like the recent issues with The Post Office computer system, then it is. Having had this issue, we were resolved to move the van at the end of the year and on January 11th arrived on site to remove the van, knowing there would be a daily rate storage to pay. We worked this out to be £580/365 giving a daily rate of £1.58 x 11 with an amount to pay of £ 17.38 . The security gate personal advised me the van was not on the system. We were allowed to go to the van and found the brake off and it seemed that someone had attempted to move it. The brakes were hard on, so they could not and it took some time to release. I then contacted the storage head office and spoke to the owner who wanted £20 per day daily storage costs (£110)  to release the van. This equates to £7,300 per year. This is an approved site which is recommended by our club. The £40.48 saving was wiped out completely several times. I spoke to CaSSOA who have a head office in Nottingham. "They are not concerned with the credibility of registered companies" , they only deal in their site security and offered this statement. "They said the last date they checked the security"  was 01.01.2021, on this date the site was closed for holidays, they would not have been allowed in. Is my club aware of this exploitation?   By offering a discount to members to use company with a flawed security system that really and does not bother who they work with. Knowing how important security is to club members it seems that our club, have taken the eye off the ball and the recommendation to members should be withheld immediately and members who thought they were paying the maximum for storing their van were not getting anywhere near that security level or the customer service they were expecting when it comes with the endorsement of The Caravan Club. In an age when we are able to change supplier of utilities it should be mandatory for our club to only recommend storage sites who have no Daily Rate extraction charges and members should not be at a disadvantage when accepting discounted insurance

Tinwheeler replied on 16/01/2022 09:53

Posted on 16/01/2022 09:53

I'm not sure the club does recommend storage sites. The 'insurance' or, rather, cover the club offers allows a discount for using Cassoa storage sites but that's due to the standard of security and nothing to do with charging or T&Cs.

I'm sorry to hear your tale but it's typical of so many things in life and having learned the hard way, we move on.

JVB66 replied on 16/01/2022 10:28

Posted on 16/01/2022 10:28

The club do  not recommend cossa sites , but if you are stored in one or a club site storage ,there is a discount that will reduce the premium as they are classed as more secure under the cossa banner

SteveL replied on 16/01/2022 10:38

Posted on 16/01/2022 10:38

Re the daily rate, you would have to look at the T&C’s. For a short part of the year, perhaps they are higher. Our storage has gold accreditation and a 3 month minimum payment. If we were not continuing with our contract, we would inform them and leave on or before the expiry date. If we stayed after that date we would owe the site for 3 months, even if it was only 11 days. It’s all clear in the T&C’s.

vbfg replied on 16/01/2022 11:13

Posted on 16/01/2022 11:13

This thread is certainly an eye opener.  I didn't realise how much it is to store a van.  I wonder if many people buy a van then sell it  shortly afterwards, when they find out how much it costs to store it?

allanandjean replied on 16/01/2022 11:53

Posted on 16/01/2022 11:53

As said, an eye opener and I feel for those, like us, who have no option to store at home and who are then subject to, it seems, high costs and poor service, which is not the case for us..

We decided to move storage locations back in the late 90s when, after complaining our van had been damaged, the storage suddenly said we no longer had a space!

However, that particular cloud had a silver lining as my wife spotted an ad for storage, we phoned to get the details, and drove there immediately to sort, becoming their second customer.

The access is not great, the single track road to the site is often a mud bath, but we have always had a great relationship with the owners, on one occasion bring out a cream tea as we cleaned the van, and now their daughter and husband who run the site, and the price has always been very good.

Now, some 25 years or so later, we are still there and paying, this year, £364 for under cover storage however, we have been told that this is as we are long standing customers with new customers paying £468 which our price will rise to over the next two years but, looking at the previous posts seems to be quite a bargain.

Cornersteady replied on 16/01/2022 12:01

Posted on 16/01/2022 12:01

A&J for under cover storage that is very good indeed! I'd even pay the higher price you posted.

I am slightly surprised, puzzled is a better word, that people buy a caravan and then wonder about storage and the associated costs? The first thought while wondering about buying one is surely where will we keep it?

replied on 16/01/2022 12:08

Posted on 16/01/2022 12:01 by Cornersteady

A&J for under cover storage that is very good indeed! I'd even pay the higher price you posted.

I am slightly surprised, puzzled is a better word, that people buy a caravan and then wonder about storage and the associated costs? The first thought while wondering about buying one is surely where will we keep it?

Posted on 16/01/2022 12:08

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