Car bumper protection film recommendation?

flatcoat replied on 24/04/2022 18:55

Posted on 24/04/2022 18:55

My car has shiny piano black finish bumpers easily scratched and caught by the tow hitch. I want to apply a clear adhesive film. Can anyone recommend something? 

EmilysDad replied on 25/04/2022 08:34

Posted on 25/04/2022 08:34

Sorry .... I've never used anything to protect my bumper, though as you're obviously aware, there are loads of films on-line. But how many times have you actually caught the bumper when reversing onto the hitch? I normally have EmilysMum arm waving at the back of my car when hitching up ... 🙄

eribaMotters replied on 25/04/2022 08:57

Posted on 25/04/2022 08:57

If you look to the right hand side of the photo you will see a rectangular piece of 10mm ply with a long U slot it it. I have a swan neck tow ball and drop this over the neck. On the back is a rubber pad that cushions the plywood against the bumper. I've had to cut a slot in the ply for my present car which I slide a rubber band into to hold the ply in place. Works a treat.

For protecting the top of the bumper when getting stuff in/out of the boot I've bought a protector strip from Rearguards

And while we are on the theme of protection, these folk are excellent for boot liners


flatcoat replied on 25/04/2022 16:11

Posted on 25/04/2022 16:11

I have a reversing camera AND the other half to (allegedly) guide me however it is still easy to overshoot, especially when hitching up at an angle or the caravan rolls ever so slightly. The bumper on our car is piano black gloss finish and while I like your idea Colin, it is just another item to carry and fiddle with. I have ordered some ‘thinsulate’ film - VERY expensive but good reviews and cheaper than replacing or painting a bumper. 

Apperley replied on 25/04/2022 21:50

Posted on 25/04/2022 21:50

Try these. I’ve used them on car door cills to prevent scuffs.®-Transparent-Clear-Guard-Protector/dp/B06Y1N5J4D/ref=asc_df_B06Y1N5J4D/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309775958298&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5369384315242379728&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007266&hvtargid=pla-697125950333&psc=1

I would suggest buying more than you need so that when you fail on the first attempt, (as I did) you can start again. The reviews describe the fitting process well and as people say on a door cill they don’t always bend easily into the contours, but a bumper may be easier.

replied on 25/04/2022 22:10

Posted on 24/04/2022 18:55 by flatcoat

My car has shiny piano black finish bumpers easily scratched and caught by the tow hitch. I want to apply a clear adhesive film. Can anyone recommend something? 

Posted on 25/04/2022 22:10

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DavidRC replied on 26/04/2022 09:54

Posted on 26/04/2022 09:54

Also suitable would be the transparent film used to protect the frames of bikes, sometimes known as helicopter tape.

ADP1963 replied on 27/04/2022 09:57

Posted on 27/04/2022 09:57

Why don't you just put a piece of foam or cardboard between the Bumper and the Tow ball whilst your revering until you have hitched up.

eribaMotters replied on 27/04/2022 13:44

Posted on 27/04/2022 13:44

I have to admit the film being referred to is excellent stuff. A sign writer friend of mine has used vinyl film for many years. The stuff he put on the floor of the entrance to a high street Debenhams branch used to last 18 months before replacement. It is wonderful at resisting scuffs and scratches but 'm afraid it is going to do nothing to protect your expensive bumper from the dent resulting in your tow hitch making contact with it.



bel1 replied on 12/06/2022 22:28

Posted on 12/06/2022 22:28

I towed a Hymer Nova behind my Q7 and the wide rear tyres flicked up stones and chipped and dented the front on the caravan. When I replaced the Hymer with another Hymer Nova the agent pointed out that the Hymer had sorted this problem of chipping out.

However, I invested in the front of the caravan being covered in a clear vinyl; it did not last long so the agent replaced it with a much heavier duty vinyl and it stayed in place and despite towing thousand of mile across Europe on some terrible roads it did not chip or peel off.

I also have had my sports motor bike covered in the same product and it still looks like new and it is easy to remove all the dead flies. Suggest you go to sign writing expert or a vinyl wrapping specialist. I am sure 3M make some great product.   




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