Autumn Watch 2023 - cancelled

ABM replied on 02/02/2023 22:01

Posted on 02/02/2023 22:01

Not only is Chris Packham taking a break from  his T.V. exposure, but the BBC has decided to cancell Autumnwatch and halve the length of Winterwatch 2024 ! in the latest Ratings Row. 

DavidKlyne replied on 02/02/2023 22:15

Posted on 02/02/2023 22:15

I have always been a staunch supporter of the BBC but some of the decisions it has made recently have got me starting to doubt that loyalty. We used to have our own local news from a studio in in Cambridge but that has been gone back to Norwich and our region hardly gets a mention now!


Fisherman replied on 03/02/2023 07:57

Posted on 03/02/2023 07:57

Best decision to get rid of this canned programme and the eco warriors and air mile squanderers

replied on 03/02/2023 08:01

Posted on 03/02/2023 08:01

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

DEBSC replied on 03/02/2023 10:07

Posted on 03/02/2023 10:07

Not too much wrong with the programme, they just need new presenters. We have stopped watching it, I find the woman on it really annoying.

brue replied on 03/02/2023 10:17

Posted on 03/02/2023 10:17

We don't watch it either, possibly the two remaining programmes will be enough for those who enjoy it. I always found it too "set up " I find the BBC get obsessed with certain things but maybe I'm on news overload. frown 

cyberyacht replied on 03/02/2023 14:35

Posted on 03/02/2023 14:35

I'm finding BBC News has declined. Too much padding about "Deirdre who has swum the length of the Serpentine for a transgender dog charity" or some such. I'm often tending to dip into Sky or Al Jazeera now.

ABM replied on 03/02/2023 14:46

Posted on 03/02/2023 14:46

CY,  I think I should take a hot strong pot of tea and some Ginger Nuts until I get the 'transgender dog charity' out of my mind  surprised. If I don't I can forsee a bad nightmare or three coming my way yell

ABM replied on 03/02/2023 15:08

Posted on 03/02/2023 15:08

P.S.  ~~ And I did mean I should have the tea and bikkies == twas not meant to be a suggestion for your good self, CY,  honest  embarassed

Wherenext replied on 03/02/2023 15:54

Posted on 03/02/2023 15:54

I stopped watching it years ago despite my love of nature.

Too much "Jolly Hockey Sticks" and Patronising for my liking.

If I'm going to watch anything I'd watch Iolo's programme on BBC Wales.

Quite surprising to find so much commonality in the responses. 

HelenandTrevor replied on 03/02/2023 19:39

Posted on 03/02/2023 19:39

Big fan of all the " watches" and will miss Autumn  Watch. Think the BBC have made some bad decisions recently.

We too have lost of local news program from Oxford, to be replaced with news from Southampton 🥺

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