The Ospreys are back !!

ABM replied on 01/04/2015 16:52

Posted on 01/04/2015 16:52

April  starts  the  season  of  'Osprey  hunting'    for  me .

So  off  to  RSPB  Loch  Garten,  on-line  of  course,  and  the  sites  up, just  about,  but  no  Ospreys  as  yet.

So  over  to  Scottish  Wildlife Trusts  "Loch  of  The  Lowes"  Website  and,  and    Surprised  not  one  but  two  Ospreys  &  mating  in  full  view  of  the  cameras  !  Its  not  the  aged  "Lady"  but  a  new  female  now  in  residence,  so  we'll  have  to  see  if  the  old  girl  turns  up  at  all.  Well  she  is  believed  to  be  in  the  high  twenties  now,  darn  near  Geriatric  as  far  as  Ospreys  go !  I  understand  Rutland  has  a  number  of  arrivals   so  I  must  keep  watching  Loch  Garten  for  more  tales  of  Bad Bird  Behaviour  !!

SteveL replied on 13/04/2017 18:49

Posted on 13/04/2017 18:49

Great live feed ABM thanks for the information.


Amazing pictures, just did a little bit of house keeping. Two eggs clearly visible, for a few seconds.

ABM replied on 13/04/2017 22:17

Posted on 13/04/2017 22:17

The  kit  used  for  these  video  links  is  truly  superb,  Steve  !!

The  female  at  Loch  Of  The  Lowes  last  year  was  not  ringed  but  the  observer  watching  the  Video  recognised  her  from  " A  Fleck  in  Her  Eye"  !!  -- his/her  phrase.  Now  if  we  check  the  range,  the  average  diameter  of  an  ospreys  eye,  the  pixel  count ,, ,, ,,  ,, ,, ,,

Well  just  let me  say  I  wish  I  could  afford  cameras  and  lenses  of  that  quality  !!

ValDa replied on 25/04/2017 08:55

Posted on 02/04/2017 15:47 by ABM

As  I've  posted  on  the  R S P B Thread  Both  EJ  &  Odin,  the  usually  resident  Ospreys  are  back  at  Loch  Garten  reserve  'oop  north'  coollaughing'

Had  a  quick  peep  at  lunch  time  &  there  they  were,  enjoying  each  others  company  surprisedembarassed.

Hope  there  are  no  intruders  around  at  Glaslyn  or  Loch  Garten  this  year  (  Flirty  Home  Wreckers  !!  )


Posted on 25/04/2017 08:55

There are now two nests under observation at Glaslyn.  Mrs G and her new suitor from last year Aran are nesting on the original nest, and a second pair (including one of the 'Flirty Home Wreckers' mentioned above).  have taken over the new nest site.  There are supposed to be Live Streams from both nests, but I can't acess them this morning.

ABM replied on 25/04/2017 09:47

Posted on 25/04/2017 09:47

Just  had  a  peep  at  Loch  Garten  Nest   ---  one  osprey  head  &  tail  visible  in  a  large  deep  nest  of  snow  !!

I  know  the  plumage  is  waterproof  to  a  fair  degree,  but  imitating  a  "Snow Bird"  is  ridiculous  !!

Probably  Frozen  Trout  for  tea  tonight,  EJ  !!



P.S. / Edit

I  got  your  Glaslyn  site  OK  Valda,  One  on  Nest,  one  on  the  Branch.  But  its  not  snowed  at  all  as  far  as  I  can  see  --  but  very  sunny  &  noisy  wind.

ValDa replied on 25/04/2017 11:31

Posted on 25/04/2017 09:47 by ABM

Just  had  a  peep  at  Loch  Garten  Nest   ---  one  osprey  head  &  tail  visible  in  a  large  deep  nest  of  snow  !!

I  know  the  plumage  is  waterproof  to  a  fair  degree,  but  imitating  a  "Snow Bird"  is  ridiculous  !!

Probably  Frozen  Trout  for  tea  tonight,  EJ  !!



P.S. / Edit

I  got  your  Glaslyn  site  OK  Valda,  One  on  Nest,  one  on  the  Branch.  But  its  not  snowed  at  all  as  far  as  I  can  see  --  but  very  sunny  &  noisy  wind.

Posted on 25/04/2017 11:31

I still can't access the Live Stream - and despite clearing cookies, cache, rebooting, updating Flash Player, it's not working for me.  Anyone else having problems?   I just get an error message saying Error loading player: No playable sources found

ValDa replied on 25/04/2017 21:35

Posted on 25/04/2017 21:35

No sorry, still 'Error loading player: No playable sources found' and that's on Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Exlorer.  I have the latest version of Flash Player, and no problems watching the Loch Garden live stream, or the Cumbria Wildlife Trust webcam - just the Glaslyn one.

Any more ideas?

ValDa replied on 25/04/2017 22:01

Posted on 25/04/2017 22:01

 Exactly the same thing on my OH's laptop, which has Windows 10 and a different browser altogether!  It's a mystery.

ABM replied on 25/04/2017 22:06

Posted on 25/04/2017 22:06

HI  Valda

On  windows  10,  using  Bing,  typed  Glaslyn Ospreys  in  search  panel

Clicked  on  live  stream  and  there  she  is,  B&W  pics,  so  assuming  its  actually  Infra  Red.

Bed  Time,  Scotland  tomorrow  so  Bieeeeee

ValDa replied on 25/04/2017 22:20

Posted on 25/04/2017 22:20

Got it now!  Had to use Chrome settings, go through nine different steps, and changed the 'Plug Ins' settings to 'Ask permission'.  It doesn't ask permission, but does now allow me to view the Ospreys - and Mrs G is currently pruning her feathers in full view.

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