I love Dogs me...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 26/08/2014 17:37

Posted on 26/08/2014 17:37

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerverCool. I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guestSmile

Bakers2 replied on 29/05/2023 14:27

Posted on 29/05/2023 14:27

I'm so sorry to read of beloved pet losses. Take care of yourselves whilst you grieve and adjust to a life without them.

Rufs replied on 29/05/2023 14:55

Posted on 29/05/2023 14:55

"Hi all, I'm very sad to let you know that we had to part with our lovely Lurcher Tess last Monday. Unfortunately a cancerous lump had spread to her organs and we couldn't bear to see her suffering"

sorry for your loss know how you feel, cancerous growths seem to be very common in dogs and when they get to a certain age invasive surgery is the last thing your dog needs. We have lost 2 Westies and now 1 Westie cross, the cross had a tumour on his spleen, but the scan also identified what was cancer in the surrounding area. I did say to the lovely Easteren Europen vet, "I hope when it is my turn it is so simple and you are available" she just smiled. 





Tinwheeler replied on 29/05/2023 15:07

Posted on 29/05/2023 14:01 by neveramsure

Hi all, I'm very sad to let you know that we had to part with our lovely Lurcher Tess last Monday. Unfortunately a cancerous lump had spread to her organs and we couldn't bear to see her suffering. After seven days we're still getting used to the empty hole she has left in our lives. I was the one who took her for walks and am still going out each morning, in fact walking further than Tess could manage in recent weeks. I'm not contemplating taking another dog on but we have a few dogs within our close family and friends.

All the best to all you dog lovers.

Posted on 29/05/2023 15:07

I’m so sorry to hear that, Nevers. Tess came to you in need of a good home and she got one. You have your memories and know you did the best thing you possibly could for her. You will get used to living a life without a dog but will always remember her.

All the best.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 29/05/2023 15:40

Posted on 29/05/2023 14:01 by neveramsure

Hi all, I'm very sad to let you know that we had to part with our lovely Lurcher Tess last Monday. Unfortunately a cancerous lump had spread to her organs and we couldn't bear to see her suffering. After seven days we're still getting used to the empty hole she has left in our lives. I was the one who took her for walks and am still going out each morning, in fact walking further than Tess could manage in recent weeks. I'm not contemplating taking another dog on but we have a few dogs within our close family and friends.

All the best to all you dog lovers.

Posted on 29/05/2023 15:40

Nevs, mate I am so sorry for her passing. You made a superb selfless decision to stop her pain. You put your needs last it was a sacrifice we’ve all taken & there will be many reading your words with a heavy heart reliving the brother & sisterhood of similar loss. Wet eyes are the least of the pain. It won’t stop soon but the feeling of personal loss will be replaced with the memories of joy. There is not much to say other than no more pain for her-you will carry yours for many, many months.

I offer you my best wishes from one Dog lover to another.

neveramsure replied on 29/05/2023 18:36

Posted on 29/05/2023 18:36

Thank you all for the kind words and best wishes. I know like me, many of us have been through it before but it doesn’t get any easier. Thanks again and best wishes to you all.

Cornersteady replied on 29/05/2023 19:33

Posted on 29/05/2023 18:36 by neveramsure

Thank you all for the kind words and best wishes. I know like me, many of us have been through it before but it doesn’t get any easier. Thanks again and best wishes to you all.

Posted on 29/05/2023 19:33

Our thoughts here are with you.

moulesy replied on 29/05/2023 20:29

Posted on 29/05/2023 14:01 by neveramsure

Hi all, I'm very sad to let you know that we had to part with our lovely Lurcher Tess last Monday. Unfortunately a cancerous lump had spread to her organs and we couldn't bear to see her suffering. After seven days we're still getting used to the empty hole she has left in our lives. I was the one who took her for walks and am still going out each morning, in fact walking further than Tess could manage in recent weeks. I'm not contemplating taking another dog on but we have a few dogs within our close family and friends.

All the best to all you dog lovers.

Posted on 29/05/2023 20:29

Only just read this and very sorry to read your news, nevers. It's a heart wrenching decision that has to be made but you'll know that you've done the right thing by Tess and you'll have so many happy memories of your times together. 

It's still obviously very hard and you say you're not thinking of taking on another dog, but have you considered volunteering for the Cinnamon Trust - they are always on the look out for volunteer walkers and you can offer to go as often as suits.

Will be thinking of you.

Takethedogalong replied on 29/05/2023 21:43

Posted on 29/05/2023 14:01 by neveramsure

Hi all, I'm very sad to let you know that we had to part with our lovely Lurcher Tess last Monday. Unfortunately a cancerous lump had spread to her organs and we couldn't bear to see her suffering. After seven days we're still getting used to the empty hole she has left in our lives. I was the one who took her for walks and am still going out each morning, in fact walking further than Tess could manage in recent weeks. I'm not contemplating taking another dog on but we have a few dogs within our close family and friends.

All the best to all you dog lovers.

Posted on 29/05/2023 21:43

Nevers, I am sure you must be devastated, but take heart that you will have given Tess a lovely life with you both, full no doubt of love and fun. A very hard decision to make, but all credit to you for not letting her suffer.

If you recall our meet up a few years ago, you had been badly let down trying to take on a rehome dog, but shortly after you found Tess, and she found a forever home. Take care, we will be thinking of you. Enjoy your other family pets. 

mickysf replied on 04/06/2023 08:40

Posted on 04/06/2023 08:40

I’m sure that pain remains, N, but time is a good healer and eventually those happier times and associated memories become stronger. I was in bits after the loss of our last dog so much so I couldn’t bare the thought of going through the pain again. Like you, we have family dogs to enjoy and now fabulous memories of those absent faithful family canine members.
There are some bonuses mind, we do not have to feed or pickup the residue after, holidays are freer and cafe/restaurants visits not restricted to dog friendly premises, going away for a night or two to friends became easier and not having to be home by certain times if loved one was left home alone. One downside is I’ve put on weight  as my walks aren’t as frequent. No help at all any of this I know right now but my thoughts are certainly with you. Time does heal.

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