Talking about dogs

trollers replied on 28/05/2012 12:18

Posted on 28/05/2012 12:18

On another forum site it was mentioned about leaving a dog on a long lead attached to one of these corkscrew tethers to stop the dog running off when the people were inside the van. I would like to post a warning about leaving dogs unattended whilst attached this way, or even out of your sight for a few minuets. I have been witness to a dog hanging itself because it was on a long tether and thought it could jump over a small fence to follow its master. No one saw it jump and unfortunately by the time people saw it hanging from its lead it was too late to resuscitate it (and believe me we really tried). The dog had a leather collar with a buckle which just would not give, but I would not trust that a plastic snap fit collar would give either, to risk leaving the dog tied out of my eyeline. The person whose dog it was had used this method of tethering his dog for years and could not understand why that day he had decided to try and follow it goes to show, you can't afford to be complacent. I have now got rid of my corkscrew post and even when we loop Jessie's lead over the jockey wheel while we unload the car, I make sure we can always see her.

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Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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