Profile pics (again)

bandgirl replied on 01/05/2022 11:02

Posted on 01/05/2022 11:02

Morning all.  I’m aware there has been threads on the subject of profile pics before, but they’re all quite old and the advice/technology may have changed.  I’ve had the same profile pic since I first registered to use CT years ago.  At that time one had to use a desktop rather than a tablet to add a profile pic, so here I am sat with both desktop and iPad trying to give my profile a new spin by adding a different photo, and failing miserably.

I log in, go to CT, go to the CT profile page, select Edit and get taken straight to my main profile page (contact details, outfit details, bookings etc.).  Even the Edit your details link on the main profile page doesn’t lead anywhere.  I’ve tried several times on both devices to no 

Does anyone have any ideas?  Am I doing something wrong, or is the site just not working?

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 01/09/2022 21:10

Posted on 01/09/2022 19:18 by JohnM20

That is the old one. 

Posted on 01/09/2022 21:10

It may be but it’s showing on my iPad. Not to others mind accepted🤷🏻‍♂️

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 02/09/2022 09:02

Posted on 02/09/2022 07:29 by JohnM20

The old one is showing on both our iPads even after clearing the caches.

Posted on 02/09/2022 09:02

Here too🤷🏻‍♂️

Takethedogalong replied on 02/09/2022 15:51

Posted on 02/09/2022 15:51

I have a photo of a handsome chap in red😁 I don’t think it’s just clearing your cache that brings it up. Last time I changed my avatar, I had to do it via MacBook, and others could see the change before I could on my IPad🤷‍♀️

Richard12 replied on 06/09/2022 11:39

Posted on 06/09/2022 11:39

Still having trouble with my picture, have gone in and reloaded it three times and it says I have completed it sucesfully , however, when returning to CT I still see a blank screen. 

I have reported it abot a month ago, but nothing has happened, any Ideas please I would be very grateful.

nelliethehooker replied on 20/09/2022 20:40

Posted on 20/09/2022 20:40

For some reason my period picture has disappeared from all my posts when viewed on my Kindle, but are present on my I phone. Anyone any ideas of how to get it back? I have both logged out and closed down my pad, but to no avail. 

nelliethehooker replied on 20/09/2022 21:18

Posted on 20/09/2022 21:18

Update. By clearing my cache I seem to have solved the problem, and I also think that poor internet connection has had something to do with it.

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