Rated 4 of 5

Rated 2 of 5

Peace and quiet

Rated 2 of 5

Facilities and cleanliness

Rated 4 of 5


Rated 2 of 5

Good for families

Not great to say the least

We opted to spoil  ourselves and went for their top pitch , private bathroom washing machine dishwasher and a jacuzzi, on first arriva site is in a beautiful setting, however we were shown to our pitch , neither hard standing or grass more like dry mud with the odd patch of grass type weeds and a scattering of gravel, the private bathroom was as pictured although during our 11 night stay not cleaned by anyone other than us constantly doing so due to shower water not flowing away properly more going out onto the pitch under the door than down the drain and it stank so air freshness purchased, decided to have a jacuzzi on doing so found that while using it all kinds of dirt and scum was long to us and the sides of the hot tub, I grabbed some kitchen towel and wiped as much up as I could. I Proceeded to take said towel to reception stating hot tub is dirty, the lady refused to take the towel from me and said someone will come, well here it starts to become a little more frustrating as a little man arrives in a van and opens the hot tub lid and closes it then off he trots nothing said nothing done , I left it an hour and made my way to reception only to be told the hot tub was clean and I was making it up after much debate the guy was coming back, this time I shows him the scum and started to explain to which he waves his finger and says as clear as day I don't speak English, off to reception I trotted again their adamant it's clean and that's that , the man who looks after jacuzzis will be back in two days, when he arrives low and behold the guys hovers it all out cleans all scum out changes some water cleaned filter and tops up water 1/2 an hour later says it will be fine now, why not admit it was dirty and clean it in the first place, I can only imagine that the first guy was the same guy who maintains the water park as that was absolutely rotten too I wouldn't let my dog in there let alone kids, needless to say never again 

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