2019 AGM

DSB replied on 27/10/2019 21:35

Posted on 27/10/2019 15:48 by peedee

Anyone attend yesterday's AGM? DSB? Anything startling emerge, particularly interested in any questions from the floor?



Posted on 27/10/2019 21:35

Hi Peedee. 

I managed to get to he AGM.  It was a long meeting with lots of information.  To be honest, I don't know where to start to report....!  Probably best to read the report which I guess will come in the mag.  I also didn't take notes, on the basis that the information comes out in a written form anyway.

Finances are good although because of the change in Caravan Insurance and technical reasons, balance this year was a litlle lower (that will right itself next year as the accounting system is different now that the Club has taken on the responsibility for insurance).

Membership retention is something like 86% (actually, this is really good), plus encouraging number of new members, keeping the membership relatively static.  Two new sites join the network: Cayton Village and Bingham Grange, plus refurbishment of several existing sites.

Mention of the impact of electric/ hybrid cars on Club sites electric consumption/costs.  At present charging of electric cars on site is not a major problem, but it will probably be an increasing problem in the future.  This is under continuous review.

Comments from the floor about electric cars, speeding on sites, CL's, Mayday.  Nothing controversial/ new.  Complements from the floor about helpful and professional site staff.  One person said that they wished the Club had more pitches available - land is difficult to acquire for building new sites (partly because of pressure on land for building houses).  It was felt that future expansion would probably be by purchasing existing sites and upgrading them.

Thanks were given to retiring Vice-chair, Rodney Lambert and executive committee member, Peter Johnson.

These are just some of the things - there were many more - I don't think I've probably done it justice.....


peedee replied on 28/10/2019 06:52

Posted on 28/10/2019 06:52

Many thanks for taking the time to post your feedback David, Sounds as though there was nothing new brought up. Perhaps the report might appear on the web site before the December magazine!


DSB replied on 02/11/2019 11:37

Posted on 28/10/2019 16:05 by DavidKlyne


No mentioned of the "improved" booking system of which much fuss was made of earlier in the year? It seems to have gone very quiet on that subject!


Posted on 02/11/2019 11:37

The new booking integrated system for overseas sites and crossings was live on 29th October.  Members can now book holidays for travel after 1st January 2020.  Overseas campsites are available to book for winter and summer holidays in 2020 and crossings are available for travel after 1st January until later in 2020, but the end of year bookings will be dependent on release dates/ prices of ferry/ tunnel companies.

It is my understanding that UK integrated system will take around another 12 months.


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