Travelling to Europe

layton1837 replied on 29/07/2020 09:25

Posted on 29/07/2020 09:25

The  news is full  information about flying to different countries in Europe, but there seems little information about driving. Can anybody offer advice on the requirements of entry into different countries. Flying to Spain you are required to fill an online form, what about driving.Considering travelling to Europe, but looking to find out what are the requirements before i decide to  travelling.

So looking for information. please don't hijack the thread by saying that you won't travel. looking for information 


Tammygirl replied on 30/07/2020 17:02

Posted on 30/07/2020 16:32 by Lutz

The following seems to be updated daily. Is that what you are looking for?

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:02

Thanks Lutz, not quite I was looking for something that shows you  how many current infections there are in a given region. 

Unless I'm not understanding it, (quite possible)  the link gives how many deaths, how many in hospital and how many have returned home. 

Lutz replied on 30/07/2020 17:25

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:02 by Tammygirl

Thanks Lutz, not quite I was looking for something that shows you  how many current infections there are in a given region. 

Unless I'm not understanding it, (quite possible)  the link gives how many deaths, how many in hospital and how many have returned home. 

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:25

The column on the left gives that information but the map on the right shows how many people have been tested positive as a percentage of all those tested. I interpret that as a good indicator of the current degree of infection.

Rufs replied on 30/07/2020 17:38

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:02 by Tammygirl

Thanks Lutz, not quite I was looking for something that shows you  how many current infections there are in a given region. 

Unless I'm not understanding it, (quite possible)  the link gives how many deaths, how many in hospital and how many have returned home. 

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:38

come out of the tunnel, head for west coast of France, head down to Spanish border keep going west and have a great time in northern Spain. Spain not a problem at the moment provided you stay clear of Catalonia. Return via France and as of today no need to quarantine.laughing This is what we plan to do 2nd Sept on arrival in Caen, provided the situation does not get any worse.

Tammygirl replied on 30/07/2020 18:03

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:38 by Rufs

come out of the tunnel, head for west coast of France, head down to Spanish border keep going west and have a great time in northern Spain. Spain not a problem at the moment provided you stay clear of Catalonia. Return via France and as of today no need to quarantine.laughing This is what we plan to do 2nd Sept on arrival in Caen, provided the situation does not get any worse.

Posted on 30/07/2020 18:03

Have a good time Rufs, not planning on going to Spain this time, leaving that until next Spring ----------------- maybe laughinglaughinglaughing

Tammygirl replied on 30/07/2020 18:04

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:25 by Lutz

The column on the left gives that information but the map on the right shows how many people have been tested positive as a percentage of all those tested. I interpret that as a good indicator of the current degree of infection.

Posted on 30/07/2020 18:04

Thanks Lutz will give it another look at.

Dave Nicholson replied on 31/07/2020 14:15

Posted on 31/07/2020 14:15

We left the site in Switzerland yesterday morning (Camping Gottardo just south of the St Gottard Pass - excellent site!). There were no controls at the Swiss/Italian border. Our intention was to stop overnight in an Aire (Sosta) in Brescia but we made better progress than expected due to the very light traffic on the Italian motorways (Even the A4, Milan to Trieste section, my least enjoyable motorway in the EU!) We stayed at a Sosta at our favourite restaurant (Mazarack in Brussa) and had a meal out for the first time since before lockdown. The Italians are clearly taking Covid19 very seriously and the controls in the restaurant were exemplary. We arrived at our final destination this morning, Camping Capalonga where the strict Covid19 controls are similarly practiced. All staff wearing masks at all times, only one person per household in reception, only 3 people in reception at any one time (its a large area). Masks necessary inside all buildings, hand sanitiser and gloves available at all entrances Takeaway delivery service to you unit from the on-site restaurants if required and ordering via an App.

It has its own excellent, very long beach but access for sun bathing or siting is controlled by a separate website with dedicated positions very well spaced apart.

The site is approx 40% full. Normally at this time of the year it would be fully booked. The numbers on site may change tomorrow as Bayern and many Italians start their annual holidays. I’ll keep you posted. One salient impression I have about our journey here is that the number of caravans/motorhomes from The Netherlands and Belgium is far higher than normal. There are far more campers from The Netherlands here in Italy than I’ve ever seen in 40 years. Perhaps they used to jet off further afield for their summer holidays in other years??

If you’re hesitant about holidaying outside the UK hopefully I’ve allayed some of your fears. I was disappointed and concerned about the lack of Covid19 hazard reduction procedures at the site we stayed at in France but it may have been a local thing and by isolating ourselves from the facilities and maintaining our own procedures we felt safe.

eurortraveller replied on 31/07/2020 14:40

Posted on 31/07/2020 14:40

Well done,Dave. Glad you are there safely.

i note what you say about the number of Belgians on the road, but with their main city, Antwerp, on lockdown, an overnight curfew in place, only solo shopping allowed, masks outdoors compulsory, streets deserted,  and case numbers still rising, of course they are fleeing the city. I only hope they are not spreading virus as they go.

Stay away from them ! 

MichaelT replied on 31/07/2020 14:46

Posted on 30/07/2020 17:38 by Rufs

come out of the tunnel, head for west coast of France, head down to Spanish border keep going west and have a great time in northern Spain. Spain not a problem at the moment provided you stay clear of Catalonia. Return via France and as of today no need to quarantine.laughing This is what we plan to do 2nd Sept on arrival in Caen, provided the situation does not get any worse.

Posted on 31/07/2020 14:46

FCO Advice is not to travel to Spain so your travel insurance will be invalid....

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