What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Bakers2 replied on 20/01/2022 19:28

Posted on 20/01/2022 19:28

Thanks for the commiserations. I'm sure it'llsort itself out. I just want to reach the point where it has to happen! Sooner would be great life seems to have been in limbo for so long. Plus grandson has worked out how to crawl, so that warrants a hug 🥰

Milliehull I love it at least they took cash, good they had somewhere safe to store it - someone's lunch box? 🤣 I expect someone had to find a bank/post office to get a float plus buy pen and paper. Lastly the staff had to be able to 'do sums' and give change.... I think your OH sums it up nicely.

Thinking of the Wherenext's hope their journey was without incident and today's funeral went well. 

nelliethehooker replied on 20/01/2022 19:44

Posted on 20/01/2022 19:44

Fingers crossed that you will get your move made sooner rather than later, B2.

We too hope that WNs' journey and funeral went without mishap.

 Moved to our 6th CL of this trip on a lovely sunny but cool day. Won't say which one it is but there are Red Kites overhead and we look across to a huge viaduct. For a change the lanes by the site were dry for our walk after lunch, s came back with an unmucky dog. Watched climbers on the local crag making the most of the relatively warm rock.

milliehull replied on 20/01/2022 20:13

Posted on 20/01/2022 20:13

Nellie, OH was out in our garden yesterday and watched a redkite flying around above. Such a lovely sight.

I too hope the WN family had a good and safe journey and that the funeral went well.

milliehull replied on 20/01/2022 20:24

Posted on 20/01/2022 19:28 by Bakers2

Thanks for the commiserations. I'm sure it'llsort itself out. I just want to reach the point where it has to happen! Sooner would be great life seems to have been in limbo for so long. Plus grandson has worked out how to crawl, so that warrants a hug 🥰

Milliehull I love it at least they took cash, good they had somewhere safe to store it - someone's lunch box? 🤣 I expect someone had to find a bank/post office to get a float plus buy pen and paper. Lastly the staff had to be able to 'do sums' and give change.... I think your OH sums it up nicely.

Thinking of the Wherenext's hope their journey was without incident and today's funeral went well. 

Posted on 20/01/2022 20:24

Well done to your grandson Bakers2. That will keep his parents busy!

Wherenext replied on 20/01/2022 21:36

Posted on 20/01/2022 21:36

Keep at it Bakers. Admire your stamina.

Me? Knackered, physically and emotionally. Hopefully back on a ferry tomorrow.  The 5 of us, me, missus, brother, SiL and widowed brother able to spend some quality time together after the funeral and we managed to persuade our brother to come for a relaxed meal tonight. We've had laughter and tears sometimes at the same time. 

The ferry over only had about 100 cars. Felt like the Marie Celeste, but great for us. Hoping for the same tomorrow. Back home with a bit of luck on Saturday.

Enjoy the CL Nellie.👍 Hard not to.

DSB replied on 21/01/2022 10:34

Posted on 21/01/2022 10:34

Sorry to read about all the problems, Bakers2.  I read somewhere a few years back that buying a d selling a house was one of the most stressful activities.  Hope it all sorts our soon.


brue replied on 21/01/2022 10:42

Posted on 21/01/2022 10:42

Hope you all get home safely WN, sounds as though you'll need time to settle back into things at home. Hope your brother in France has people to help him. You got there, so it's good things worked out for the journey and get together.

Icy cold here with bright sunshine. Followed my old man in the van this morning to get the m/h service etc done. The local school run was manic with people peering through small holes in frosted windscreens, scary how some manage these things!

Takethedogalong replied on 21/01/2022 14:38

Posted on 21/01/2022 14:38

They are brain challenged brue. Someone was prosecuted the other day for merely having a letterbox to peer through in bad weather. I loathe the school run around us, so many harassed looking parents and carers doing rather silly things. Blocking roads, leaving doors wide open, parking on double yellows, up kerbs, double parked. And the language if you dare to point out they are in the wrong😯

WN, been thinking of you.

richardandros replied on 21/01/2022 15:28

Posted on 21/01/2022 15:28

Waved goodbye to the caravan this morning.  Even though it only came back from the dealer's in December - for its service - a fault has developed with the Truma boiler in that the water isn't getting as hot as it should. In fact it's barely lukewarm.  I tried to get a few local mobile engineers to look at it but the earliest any of them could fit me in was June! Same with a local dealer who is also a Truma service centre.

So - back up to Cumbria - fortunately, with me not being able to drive at the moment, they agreed to come and collect and return it.  I suspect a big bill will be on the way since it looks as if the boiler will have to come completely out of the van to be fixed.

According to the Service Manager, the 'new' Combi 6 is prone to such problems - unlike the Alde unit which they are finding to be much more reliable.

JVB66 replied on 21/01/2022 15:41

Posted on 21/01/2022 14:38 by Takethedogalong

They are brain challenged brue. Someone was prosecuted the other day for merely having a letterbox to peer through in bad weather. I loathe the school run around us, so many harassed looking parents and carers doing rather silly things. Blocking roads, leaving doors wide open, parking on double yellows, up kerbs, double parked. And the language if you dare to point out they are in the wrong😯

WN, been thinking of you.

Posted on 21/01/2022 15:41

It is the same round here when it is the "school run" times but it is not their fault? ,there should be more parking?,their wordswink

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