Why do you love caravanning/motorhoming

RowenaBCAMC replied on 21/05/2019 16:56

Posted on 21/05/2019 16:56

What is it that you absolutely love about your hobby? Is it the freedom to explore, the opportunity to relax in new places, the call of the open road, or something else entirely? 

I love the opportunity to discover new places and spend time together as a family away from distractions. What is it that you love? 

KjellNN replied on 21/05/2019 21:27

Posted on 21/05/2019 21:27

OH's parents had a shop selling camping equipment, so she has been camping since the early 50s,  In the 60s we had a tent......our honeymoon was in a tent......then in the late 60s the in laws got a caravan, which we were able to borrow in the early 70s before we got our own van.

We caravanned till the mid 80s then sold up and did not return to Caravanning till 1998 as there were greater calls on our finances.

Since then we have been holidaying in our van as much as possible, up to 4 months per year since we retired, but now we have taken on grandparent duties so cannot get away quite as often.

We will be training up the wee fellow to be a caravanner!

replied on 21/05/2019 21:33

Posted on 21/05/2019 21:33

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JollyKernow replied on 21/05/2019 21:34

Posted on 21/05/2019 21:34


Keefysher says it all really, " Creating memories that will last lifetimes"

I've had motorhomes for the last 18 years and including the last 10 years working for the club those memories are to be cherishedlaughing


replied on 22/05/2019 07:05

Posted on 22/05/2019 07:05

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paul56 replied on 22/05/2019 09:38

Posted on 22/05/2019 09:38

We're both retired and do mixes of hotel and caravan trips and we do love both. However, I love the idea of being able to do my own thing in the van and go where we want and explore new places. When you look at the big package holiday destinations you are limited to the same old, same old places. You would never get to see some of the amazing 'off the beaten track' places that we've dropped into - often totally by accident while on our travels with the van and sat in a roadside cafe in the middle of nowhere watching the world go by. 

JayOutdoors replied on 22/05/2019 09:50

Posted on 22/05/2019 09:50

Same as KeefySher 's post  "To create memories that will last lifetimes."

Plus we enjoy taking photos that we will be able to look back at to help bring back the times when we are no longer able use our LV.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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