Rated 4 of 5

Rated 5 of 5

Peace and tranquility

Rated 5 of 5

Access to local places of interest

Rated 5 of 5

Beauty of surroundings and scenery

Rated 5 of 5

Ease of arrival/welcome

Excellent location

Stayed for 5 nights in September 2023. We fully endorse previous positive comments. Great views over Rye and the nature reserve where Camber Castle sits. Within 0.5 mile of two pubs with excellent food and less than 1 mile to town. Brian is very helpful and has dealt with the concerns about overhanging tree branches on the approach track. Paid £22 a night plus separate electric metered. Electric worked out at £2 a day so although overall price at top end for CL we think the location supports it. Had a little problem levelling so make sure you have ramps.

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