Rated 4 of 5

Rated 5 of 5

Peace and tranquility

Rated 5 of 5

Access to local places of interest

Rated 5 of 5

Beauty of surroundings and scenery

Rated 5 of 5

Ease of arrival/welcome

Great welcome, great views.

On arrival there was s small area (around the toilet facilities) with hardstanding set in trees. We were lead through a gate and the surroundings opened up to a beautiful view over the fishing pond (free whole staying on site) and beyond to hills. The wardens looking after The Lodge, were extremely helpful and friendly pitching us in a delightful spot that ran along the back of various evergreen trees. The weather was a very mixed bag during our stay, but our location was close to the main shops and our friends who live in Stoke. The toilet block was immaculately kept with 2 toilets and 2 showers (fee payable for shower). On our last night we enjoyed a very tasty Chinese meal from the local takeaway only 2 minutes up the road by car. We would definitely return. Only point to mention is the lane leading to the site has a badly potholed surface. Extremely bumpy.

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