Reserved CL Pitches specifically for Touring

olylowe replied on 17/02/2017 17:34

Posted on 17/02/2017 17:34


We started our CL last year and over the winter we have been reviewing our approach to running the CL - specifically with regard to numbers of units on the site.

We too have caravanned for years and we run our site in the mindset of what we best enjoy about caravanning.  To this end we have decided to limit the number of pre-book'able pitches this coming season.  There will be 3 pitches that are book'able in advance, but the remaining will only be available to those who tour and arrive without booking, or with minimal advance warning (to save on potentially wasted fuel/journey time).

We fully appreciate that this will no doubt decrease our income, but we aim to run a tranquil hide-away site anyway, and money is not the sole reason why we run a CL!  In todays age of busy lives where everyone seems to pre-book everything we want to support those who still want to leave a little more to chance, adventure and exploration!

So, if on your summer travels you find yourself heading towards South Cheshire, feel free to give us a call and we look forward to being part of your adventure!

As tourers ourselves we hope other CLs for (whom this suits) follow this idea, and nurture the inner explorer in all of us.

Our Club details can be found HERE

Our own website with more comprehensive details is

Our Facebook page can be found HERE

Happy touring!

Oly & Sarah

DavidKlyne replied on 20/02/2017 16:46

Posted on 20/02/2017 16:46

I suppose within a year you will get a good idea of how it all worked. If you only ever have three units on site at any time that might suggest it hasn't worked but if you find people taking advantage of turning up on spec then you might find it a worthwhile experiment. I suspect motorhomers are more likely to be looking for somewhere on the hoof so the speak so perhaps some reassuring information on ground conditions might be an encouragement assuming you would prefer not to have hardstanding?



The Ovaltineys replied on 20/02/2017 19:06

Posted on 19/02/2017 22:49 by Takethedogalong

Are you close to MH yet? Easier abroad with MH I would guess. Let us know if you do get one. We still love ours.

Posted on 20/02/2017 19:06

Well we have decided on the layout ( rear singles over a garage) but very few, if any used so would probably have to buy new, OH having doubts as she feels we would be like nomads always moving on - will have to work on her!

Doesn't help that our local dealer ( only 2 miles away) has a great almost new 2 berth caravan.. Our current van is starting to get a few faults.

brian1 replied on 20/02/2017 20:16

Posted on 20/02/2017 16:03 by

I think its an admirable experiment and I wish you well  but I dont have a lot of faith in your being able to single handedly change the UK advance booking ethos its too firmly ingrained. 

Posted on 20/02/2017 20:16

... for good reason. 

I'd love to be able to simply roll up as we do on the Continent but for 6 months of the year that's too risky for me ...tongue-out

EmilysDad replied on 20/02/2017 20:36

Posted on 20/02/2017 20:31 by IamtheGaitor

Your site to manage as you see fit but whilst we love CLs we dont go anywhere we cant book in advance.

Posted on 20/02/2017 20:36

You still have 60% of Olly & Sarah's CL to advance book 😉

olylowe replied on 21/02/2017 09:55

Posted on 20/02/2017 15:25 by InaD

Looks a nice CL in a nice area.

One observation: I had a look at the website and only Biodegradable Eco-Friendly chemicals are permitted.  However, I can't see mention of that in the description here on the CC website.  I'm just thinking that not everyone will necessarily look at your own website, so not everyone would be aware of that, especially if people are touring and don't have access to the internet.

Posted on 21/02/2017 09:55

Many thanks for the observation.  I will ask the club to see if they can alter our listing to include the bit about biodegradable chemicals.  

We generally find that eco chemicals are the only ones that people are using these days anyway, but we also do stock small bottles of Thetford Aqua Kem Green on site and sell it without profit for this purpose.

olylowe replied on 21/02/2017 10:00

Posted on 20/02/2017 16:46 by DavidKlyne

I suppose within a year you will get a good idea of how it all worked. If you only ever have three units on site at any time that might suggest it hasn't worked but if you find people taking advantage of turning up on spec then you might find it a worthwhile experiment. I suspect motorhomers are more likely to be looking for somewhere on the hoof so the speak so perhaps some reassuring information on ground conditions might be an encouragement assuming you would prefer not to have hardstanding?



Posted on 21/02/2017 10:00

Thanks David,

Our ground is pretty firm without hard standings, having good drainage/soils and being higher than its surroundings (which also provides nice the views!).  We open during the drier months, so generally keep the ground in better condition anyway.





Takethedogalong replied on 21/02/2017 10:26

Posted on 20/02/2017 19:06 by The Ovaltineys

Well we have decided on the layout ( rear singles over a garage) but very few, if any used so would probably have to buy new, OH having doubts as she feels we would be like nomads always moving on - will have to work on her!

Doesn't help that our local dealer ( only 2 miles away) has a great almost new 2 berth caravan.. Our current van is starting to get a few faults.

Posted on 21/02/2017 10:26

Nice layout choice.  You won't regret the change. I won't discuss more out of respect to OP.

Glad to see you getting more feedback in this thread oly, we can't tour just at the moment, but will look you up later in year hopefully. We come prepared for all ground conditions bar gloop, although quite a small MH. Prefer grass if we are honest, in Summer.


gibbo456 replied on 21/02/2017 11:39

Posted on 21/02/2017 11:39

I think you will have to be incredibly disciplined to turn down bookings now for August if you already have 3 booked on but good luck

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