Leaky Lunar

carmary replied on 10/12/2018 20:44

Posted on 10/12/2018 20:44

This year our caravan showed 'damp'..help! We are the 3rd.owners of a 2014 model Lunar Quasar & it was our joy,until November this year [2018] when we had pointed out a problem of damp over a side window ..up to 40% and similar under the front window..20%. This was identified at our regular yearly service. Naturally both my partner and I were clearly concerned.We had always heard 'leaky lunar' but thought this just owners of other makes of caravan 'taking the mick'..now we realise they are right.

I phoned Lunar for confirmation that the 'warranty' for water ingress was registered in our name. They said that it was so I proceeded to explain our dilemma to Lunar who suggested the van be returned to the dealer for inspection & plan to repair the damp problem. To return to the dealer was just an unnecessary journey ,so Lunar agreed the damp could be dealt with locally,IF the workshop was NCC approved. We found a local repairer,explained the problem and took the van for inspection. The technician agreed he could do the job and would contact Lunar for the 'go ahead'..and this is where our REAL problem begins. There is still at least 12months of the 6yr.Lunar warranty on water ingress in place BUT Lunar WILL NOT pay for the total repair of this damp problem. Consequently, unless we are ready and willing to fund the 'short fall ' of the repair costs,understandable the caravan repair technician CANNOT  do the job. 

I'm absolutely furious that Lunar are selling their caravans with this warranty as a guarantee against water ingress..to give security to buyers of their vans, only to find that when the warranty is needed,they refuse to honour it. In refusing to pay for the cost of the repair under the agreement  with the purchase of this van, is nothing more than a scandalous mis-representation . We payed about £50 to have the warranty transferred to us ...For what, because IT MEANS NOTHING.

 I'm now quite sure that any potential caravan buyers should avoid a Lunar van UNLESS they can be assured from the caravan dealer that should the water ingress 'warranty' come to be needed that THEY will pay for the repair because clearly Lunar will walk away from their responsibilities. Given that Lunar have a reputation for leaks..hence 'leaky lunar', I don't believe we are alone.

Caravan dealers and manufactuers 'talk the talk BUT don't walk the walk' when it comes to faulty workmanship..and what is the caravan club doing to highlight these problems to warn future buyers.with regard manufacturers who don't honour their obligations when it comes to warranty work.

Ofcourse, the likely hood of the caravan club taking up this challenge is pretty non-existent, after all the club relies very much on advertising & support from these companies,to the detrement of us..the members, our interests..

Your experiences with similar matters would be welcome.







hitchglitch replied on 10/12/2018 21:33

Posted on 10/12/2018 21:33

It is not clear how the “shortfall” in the guarantee arises. Is there a cap on the warranty amount and is this written into the guarantee documentation? There must be some reason for them not meeting the full cost.

replied on 10/12/2018 22:12

Posted on 10/12/2018 22:12

Presumably Lunar have set costs for works and the repairer wants a higher figure

dmiller555 replied on 11/12/2018 08:18

Posted on 11/12/2018 08:18

All manufacturers seem to be capable of producing caravans and motorhomes that leak, a short search of on-line forums will demonstrate that. I'm not saying it is acceptable, it is not, far from it.

You haven't been clear why you haven't returned the van to the dealer from whom you purchased the van, is it out of guarantee?

Neither are you clear about the reason why the dealer you have selected to undertake the repair wants more money to do the work than Lunar are prepared to pay? 

replied on 11/12/2018 08:20

Posted on 11/12/2018 08:20

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replied on 11/12/2018 09:05

Posted on 11/12/2018 09:05

In general it says a lot for only buying locally. 

I travel 40 miles to dealership taking around 1hr 15mins which is a pain but I was aware of that when I chose the dealership. The nearest alternative is half an hour away and 24 miles but I preferred the one that I use having spent some time around both.

Dealerships often say that the time allowed for warranty works from manufacturers do not cover the full cost. As DD says though 'In general it says a lot for only buying locally.' 

JohnM20 replied on 11/12/2018 10:01

Posted on 11/12/2018 10:01

It isn't always possible to buy locally and if one did, there is no guarantee of service. Our local Lunar dealer has gone out of business and so, when I had a warranty problem I spoke to Lunar to ask them who I could take the caravan to. I was told that our nearest dealer was some 30 odd miles away but they would only carry out warranty work on caravans that they had sold, (so no point in telling me of them). They gave me a couple of names in the West Midlands, 50 + miles away,  but again with the caveat that these also may not carry out work on caravans not bought from them. So much for Lunar dealerships!

The NCC approved mobile workshop that I have used for servicing many times over the years said he was able to carry out the work but he would not be paid anything like the full cost of the job. He would have to come to us, remove the faulty part (a Truma fitting), send it off for inspection and approval of the work and then return to us again to do the job. He said he would only be paid for the actual job of fitting the replacement part so he would have to charge us for the initial visit, removal of the part and carriage costs to Truma and his travel costs. His suggestion, knowing that I'm quite capable, was to buy the replacement part and do the job myself which would be considerably cheaper and, in the long run, much quicker.

replied on 11/12/2018 10:17

Posted on 11/12/2018 10:17

So much for Lunar dealerships!

Are Swift and other dealerships any different in regard to doing warranty work on 'vans that they have not sold? I think that you will find the answer is no from my observations of posters with warranty issues on other manufacturers models

lornalou1 replied on 11/12/2018 11:19

Posted on 11/12/2018 11:19

same old story with lunar. just put a claim in for damp and leaking bathroom window and they want proof of all servicing even though I sent them this 12 months ago when damp detected and repairs done under warranty then.

replied on 11/12/2018 11:38

Posted on 11/12/2018 11:38

If you sent details 12 months ago is this a new claim 12 months after you gave evidence of servicing? 

Oneputt replied on 11/12/2018 12:06

Posted on 11/12/2018 12:06

Wonder if Lunar are on the way out.  In the last 3 years 2 x Lunar dealers no longer cancelled their franchise and the dealer where we brought our current van in Sussex has also stopped stocking them.  It appears the one thing they have in common is poor quality

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