No Shows

redface replied on 22/06/2022 22:28

Posted on 22/06/2022 22:28

On pitching up at a CL today and chatting to the owner I was  extremely surprised to hear that this past weekend alone she had two No Shows. in fact club members who didn't even have the courtesy to let her know either in advance or on the day.

Surely this standard of behaviour is reprehensible and these members ought to have been reported to the club for their lack of consideration?

Does the club have a system whereby these ingrates can be censored and may be even publicly chastised for their lack of consideration?

obbernockle replied on 22/06/2022 22:52

Posted on 22/06/2022 22:52

We have heard exactly the same from two CL's recently. Quite a few CL's are now demanding deposits on booking, and full payment before arrival. I don't blame them one bit.

Another example of members having no sense of fairness. New members? Who knows.

JVB66 replied on 23/06/2022 07:02

Posted on 23/06/2022 07:02

It seems to be happening in all areas of hospitality,  how often  has it been noted with pubs and restaurants  

If deposits can  reduce the no shows then I see it spreading to many more cls

DavidKlyne replied on 23/06/2022 09:09

Posted on 23/06/2022 09:09

Whilst I agree with the OP that it is poor behaviour not to keep the CL owner informed the remedy is surely in the hands of that CL owner? I don't know if its more of a weekend thing but perhaps taking full payment in advance? We recently stayed at Overwater Marina CL and they take full payment on booking with the proviso that if cancelled 30 days or more before arrival site a full refund is given and I think a 50% refund is given 14 days before arrival. I appreciate that Overwater is a large business and has the where with all to manage such systems. It really depends of how involved the CL owners wants to be. For any system involving the Club the membership number would have to be taken on booking and I wonder how often that happens? The Club seem to remind us at regular intervals that CL's are private businesses so the ability to intervene is probably limited without some sort of centralised booking system?


Graydjames replied on 23/06/2022 10:54

Posted on 23/06/2022 10:54

I have only stayed at a CL once and I had to pay in advance and give my membership number. That's the way to deal with it. It is not as if it is not now commonplace to have to do that, or at least pay a decent deposit.

I agree though that it is incredibly rude and irresponsible not to contact the site if the pitch is not going to be taken up - for whatever reason. This notwithstanding, public chastisement is not appropriate in any case or circumstance.

Tammygirl replied on 23/06/2022 11:18

Posted on 23/06/2022 11:18

I've never been  asked for a deposit on any CL I've stayed at. I have offered but always been told just let me know if you are not coming. Sometimes I get asked for my membership No not always though.

I think if you are booking for more than 3 days days then it would be wise to take a deposit for a 1 nighter then possibly not worth the effort.

I think if you are not meticulous in writing down your bookings at the time of making them it can be difficult to remember where and on what date you are supposed to be there. I now ask for a confirmation email even if the booking is made over the phone. 

Tinwheeler replied on 23/06/2022 13:01

Posted on 23/06/2022 13:01

I’ve paid upfront for CL bookings many a time. Often it’s just one night's fee in advance. I’ve no issue with that at all as it makes good business sense and is perfectly acceptable to me.

The no-shows are ill mannered and reflect badly on us all.

Wherenext replied on 23/06/2022 16:33

Posted on 23/06/2022 16:33

 David Klyne wrote - For any system involving the Club the membership number would have to be taken on booking and I wonder how often that happens? The Club seem to remind us at regular intervals that CL's are private businesses so the ability to intervene is probably limited without some sort of centralised booking system?

David we saw a similar situation regarding someone who skipped paying whilst the owners were out. I asked him what recourse he had. He said that he had written tot he club when this happened in the past but they didn't help him out at all and never even tried to reprimand the member. He said his only course was the small claims court but again the club wouldn't release address details due to the Data Protection.

He now takes deposits.

It affects every law abiding member because we end up losing part of the old ways that CLs operate. I understand deposits and up front payment close to arrival completely but it seems something dies in the relationship. Not wishing to start an "over there" comparison but it would be the same as paying for your pitch up front when you arrive on a site in France as opposed to when you leave. Something about trust and the owner being bitten once too often by unscrupulous people.

I wish the club would show that the CL operation does actually involve them as many members are only members because of them. They should help the CLs more in these sort of situations. Maybe serial abuses could have their membership suspended. Maybe CL owners could insist on seeing membership cards as well.

youngalan replied on 23/06/2022 18:50

Posted on 23/06/2022 18:50

What about when the 'the shoes are on the other feet'.?

I emailed a cl on Wed . morning asking if they had a pitch available for 3/4 days during July- I got an almost immediate answer back telling me they had just had a cancellation for 8 nights starting 2nd. July. I immediately sent an email back booking a pitch for  five nights starting 2nd July.

I received no confirmation on Wednesday, so late Wed. night sent another email. Again no confirmation Thursday morning so telephoned only to get messaging service so left a message asking the owner to ring me. No call - Just received an email 6p.m. Thurs telling me the were fully booked.

We have been members for 40 years and have used many cls , but this is the first time we have been treated like this. The moral of the story in my mind is don't email -phone.

DavidKlyne replied on 23/06/2022 20:25

Posted on 23/06/2022 20:25

If I am correct I understand that the Club make no money from the CL operation, in fact it probably costs money. I think CL's now have to be members but £50 odd a year from each CL does not amount to much. OK perhaps £100,000 might seem a lot but in reality that is probably what it costs to administer the site directory and website information and other requirements for over 2000 CL's?

I know many members have an attachment to CL's which they probably don't for main sites but I suspect even that is a bit misplaced. It seems that once the Club have approved the certification and inspected the CL and added the details to web and site directory that is probably the extent of their involvement. The Club probably don't have, or are unwilling to provide, the level of support needed to follow up on complaints because that increases costs. It seems that some have a romantic view of what CL's are or should be and probably that view extends to how people that use CL should conform to, sadly that is no longer the real world. CL owners have to recognise that we are in a web based world and there are relatively cheap and easy ways to introduce advanced payment. They also have to appreciate that when people phone or email they need a reply, at a maximum of within 24 hours. We all know there are people that will abuse a system but I somehow doubt any of us can change that. CL's owners either have to accept that some not bother following honourable ways of doing things or put in systems which minimise that abuse.


eurortraveller replied on 23/06/2022 20:26

Posted on 23/06/2022 20:26

I hear what you all say from both sides of the argument  - but that’s the problem with CLs.They are stuck with the figure five. They can’t squeeze one or two more outfits in however big their field  is if they are double booked.  And yet if they get a couple of no shows it hits their profitability into the far distance.  Frankly I hardly ever used them as there are so many ex CL and  ex CS sites which have grown up and expanded a little, and now operate more efficiently and with more flexibility.

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