P&O sailings suspended this morning

mickysf replied on 18/03/2022 11:19

Posted on 18/03/2022 09:51 by Rocky 2 buckets

Welcome to brexit world, it won’t end here☹️

Posted on 18/03/2022 11:19

We were warned many times but the replies always came in the form of a sentence containing the words Project and Fear. Result, this and more pain to come I suspect.

Burgundy replied on 18/03/2022 12:22

Posted on 18/03/2022 11:13 by

We have for over 20 years been sailing every autumn  from Hull to either Zeebrugge  or Rotterdam  (or a combination of them) using P&O. We very much prefer the short run from home and the quick getaway in the morning with our onward journey,We have also in recent years been "biting the bullet" and booking a suite. Having lost 2 years we made a booking just last week to ensure we got got the cabins we wanted and paid a large non refundable deposit. If the news had come earlier I wouldnt have touched them with a barge pole  and made the inconvenient journey to Harwich or Dover now I have to decide whether to waste £170 or sail on a ship crewed by scabsundecided

Posted on 18/03/2022 12:22

I would lose the £170 purely based on safety concerns, it’s a long crossing to be on crewed by probably substandard labour.

GTrimmer replied on 18/03/2022 13:48

Posted on 18/03/2022 13:48

P&O Ferries said on Thursday that the decision to lay-off 800 workers was "tough" but said the business would not be viable without "making swift and significant changes now".

It said: "We have made a £100m loss year-on-year, which has been covered by our parent DP World. This is not sustainable. Without these changes there is no future for P&O Ferries."

In other news.... https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/dubai-owned-po-paid-shareholders-270m-dividend-before-mass-sacking-316674/

brue replied on 18/03/2022 14:28

Posted on 18/03/2022 14:28

If it wasn't sustainable then it's unlikely to be sustainable going forward. UK gov has paid into this company and helped keep it afloat, pardon the pun.. I did a quick calculation, 800 jobs at X amount of guessed salary per annum, your guess is as good as mine but even the new salaries may not make this viable. It all seems strange, no doubt we'll hear more.

I looked at the newspaper headlines and smiled at the Matt cartoon but also I feel sorry for all those affected.

JollyKernow replied on 18/03/2022 15:54

Posted on 18/03/2022 11:13 by

We have for over 20 years been sailing every autumn  from Hull to either Zeebrugge  or Rotterdam  (or a combination of them) using P&O. We very much prefer the short run from home and the quick getaway in the morning with our onward journey,We have also in recent years been "biting the bullet" and booking a suite. Having lost 2 years we made a booking just last week to ensure we got got the cabins we wanted and paid a large non refundable deposit. If the news had come earlier I wouldnt have touched them with a barge pole  and made the inconvenient journey to Harwich or Dover now I have to decide whether to waste £170 or sail on a ship crewed by scabsundecided

Posted on 18/03/2022 15:54

Lose the £170.


SeasideBill replied on 18/03/2022 16:30

Posted on 18/03/2022 08:15 by mbee1

Reading today that French, Dutch and Irish crews have not been made redundant because, since leaving the EU, we no longer have to stick to EU law.  It's also interesting that the Government did not back Labour when they wanted to outlaw "fire and rehire".

P&O also seem to have broken employment law as they made more than 25 staff redundant so there should have been a consultation period with the unions.

I notice Farage has been spouting about British jobs.  Well this wouldn't have happened had we not left the EU!

I, for one, will not be using P&O again.

Posted on 18/03/2022 16:30

I’m not sure if it happened but P&O had plans to move its fleet registrations from Dover to Limassol. It was claimed to be a response to Brexit for ‘operational and accounting’ reasons. Limassol is a flag of convenience thus avoiding UK employment and other regulations?

replied on 18/03/2022 16:32

Posted on 18/03/2022 15:54 by JollyKernow

Lose the £170.


Posted on 18/03/2022 16:32

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

Wherenext replied on 18/03/2022 16:45

Posted on 18/03/2022 15:54 by JollyKernow

Lose the £170.


Posted on 18/03/2022 16:45

Well that is exactly what we have decided to do. Cost of cancelling our ferry will be about £180.

It will inconvenience us more than the cost as I will have to build in stopovers but I cannot in all honesty support a company that treats its employees, whose hands I place my safety in, with such disdain.

I'll never sail P&O again whilst this lot own it.

TobyLeeds replied on 18/03/2022 16:53

Posted on 18/03/2022 16:53

I object to the way the redundancies were handled in a very crass manner but- when Irish ferries started it was reported they operated a non union, cheap service. They now run 10 sailings a day - where has there business come from? Undercutting P & O no doubt. Change was necessary and the unions must have been able to see that a week on and a week off, in this day and age, was not sustainable. They have let their members down not negotiating competitive contracts. 
all those people who are not going to travel with P & O are severely restricting their options.

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