Baby Jack - arrived today! Phew, worries over!!!!

ValDa replied on 30/11/2016 20:46

Posted on 30/11/2016 20:46

Our new grandson, Jack, who arrived at 3.05 am this morning after five worrying months.  We'd all been told in early July that he had a cleft palate, but also that this was associated with other abnormalities and a particular 'syndrome' (fortunately it wasn't and he's fine).  

He's a lovely strong boy (7lb 3 oz at three weeks early) and already feeding well.  He will have his cleft lip operated on when he is a few months old, and the cleft palate when his adult front teeth and most of his back teeth have come through.  

His sister Amelia (aged three) said recently 'Granny Val, baby Jack will have a funny face when he comes out (!) but I'm going to learn him to smile and then when he's bigger the doctors will sew his smile on'.  I thought it was a lovely way to describe the operation, and of course we all hope he will look even more beautiful when it's done.

Here's a photograph of him at just a few minutes old looking a bit battered but already his eyes are less swollen and he seems very calm. :


Bakers2 replied on 30/11/2016 21:40

Posted on 30/11/2016 21:40

Congratulations to all. Beautiful baby boy. Hope all goes well. Sounds like your granddaughter was told honestly about the situation in a manor she can understand and explain to others. Bless them both.  ?

ValDa replied on 30/11/2016 22:02

Posted on 30/11/2016 22:02

Yes, Amelia and her brother Sam are lovely children - really 'sensible' and well brought up!   Hopefully baby Jack will be the same!

DSB replied on 30/11/2016 22:05

Posted on 30/11/2016 22:05

Congratulations on your new grandson Val and best wishes to the rest of the family.  Glad all is well and that the doctors will sort him out in due course.  Great news.


crissy replied on 01/12/2016 04:16

Posted on 01/12/2016 04:16

Absolutely gorgeous. Our daughter in law was born with a cleft palate, , while she's a aware of her scar no one else ever notices until they're told. 


volvoman9 replied on 01/12/2016 12:23

Posted on 01/12/2016 12:23

Many,many congrats Valda on the addition of Jack to the family.A new baby is a very,very special occasion and one to be treasured.Happy

All the very best,


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