Blitz Spirit with Lucy Worsley

DavidKlyne replied on 25/02/2021 21:45

Posted on 25/02/2021 21:45

We watched this interesting programme this afternoon. Lucy Worsley takes a historians look at what happened from the time war was declared to London Blitz and how the general public reacted. It is seen through the eyes of a series of people involved in helping and gathering information. One aim was to try and discover whether there was such a thing as "Blitz Spirit" Reporting of the facts was strictly controlled and even the famous photograph of St Paul's at the height of the Blitz was actually edited so that it didn't give a true representation of the damage nearby. One interesting snippet is the the "Keep Calm and Carry On Poster" which was never used in the war and we only know about it because a copy was discovered in the 1970's!!!

One thing that struck me in watching the programme was the similarities between the Blitz and the COVID crisis in terms of how some sections of the community have been treated. 


Takethedogalong replied on 01/03/2021 17:59

Posted on 01/03/2021 17:59

So very true Brue. It’s often the little snippets like letters home, and diaries that bring history truly to life, particularly for ordinary folks, as opposed to Royalty. I have my Dad’s old tin box of letters, etc. Lots of letters from Grandad and Grandad’s brothers and sisters. Biggest worry seemed to be if Ebor meeting at York Racecourse would go ahead during War. ðŸ˜‚They lived close to racecourse, so it was a big part of life. But lots of lovely stuff on a personal level. Future generations will miss out on a lot of this, as letter writing, post card sending doesn’t happen like it used to, it’s mainly electronic nowadays, Deleted User after a while. Hopefully, someone, somewhere will be archiving stuff for the future. Such a life changing event as we are living through at the moment will have its place in history at some point.

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