Driving Licence Renewal

moulesy replied on 29/05/2021 10:38

Posted on 29/05/2021 10:38

My driving licence was due for renewal last August but obviously there was an 11 month extension due to the pandemic.

So I've just tried to renew it on line as there is so much news about delays at DVSA. And what a frustrating experience that's been!

Get all necessary documents to hand it says - ok, and off we go. Fill in all the details,  enter card payment number, hit return and ...... oh, session timed out! You've been inactive for 20 minutes so session has expired to "protect your data". Well maybe it took a bit of time, don't think it was 20 minutes between entering anything so let's have another go.

Enter all the details again in what I know was only about 3 minutes, hit return and ... guess what? Session timed out!  yell

Anyone else tried doing this and had the same problem or is it just me?  frown

brue replied on 29/05/2021 11:25

Posted on 29/05/2021 11:25

Yes, in the end it was easier to print out the form and send it in the post keeping a copy of the application. Mine has taken about three weeks to arrive!




moulesy replied on 29/05/2021 11:27

Posted on 29/05/2021 11:27

I didn't know there was an option for printing the form, brue. Is that on the same gov.uk website as the online application?

InaD replied on 29/05/2021 12:52

Posted on 29/05/2021 12:52

Possibly slightly off topic, but I didn't realise you had to pay to renew a driving licence, just goes to show that each day is a learning day wink

When we moved house 3 years ago we had to change ours of course, which was free.  Up to that point we both had paper licences.  Having checked on the gov.uk website it's free from age 70, and mine runs out not long before the 10 years are up, so won't have to pay.  There are some advantages to getting older after all smile

JillwithaJay replied on 29/05/2021 13:24

Posted on 29/05/2021 13:24

DVLA sent me a 'reminder new licence application form' but I was warned of delays so I've just done mine online.  It was so easy and no charges because of my age.  My new licence arrived in the post within two weeks.  

Cherokee2015 replied on 04/06/2021 21:27

Posted on 04/06/2021 21:27

Ours were due in July - I looked online and did both mine and hubby’s forms in about 10 minutes, paid £14 each and only waited a less than a week.  Impressed with the service.  Old licences cut in half and returned to DVLA as instructed.  

Only downside, now due in May 2031 instead of July!   I also realised that I will be 70 in only 16 years 😳 a very sobering thought.  

KjellNN replied on 04/06/2021 22:16

Posted on 04/06/2021 22:16

Just renewed my over 70 licence on line.  Applied on Tuesday, new licence in the letterbox today.  Amazing!

Takethedogalong replied on 04/06/2021 22:24

Posted on 04/06/2021 22:24

Don’t talk to me about the ruddy DVLA😡😡😡 I am currently into month two of waiting for a replacement license, and they still have all my essential documents. I am seriously thinking about contacting my local MP about the fiasco I currently find myself embroiled in. Not a happy bunny at all😡

DavidKlyne replied on 05/06/2021 10:13

Posted on 04/06/2021 22:16 by KjellNN

Just renewed my over 70 licence on line.  Applied on Tuesday, new licence in the letterbox today.  Amazing!

Posted on 05/06/2021 10:13

Same as Margaret and hers was a medical licence because of her diabetes. Given the long form she had to fill out with the prospect of needing to contact her doctor (can't imagine that happened because of the short time it took to supply the new licence) 

My own experience of the DVLA has always been excellent, particularly the help they provided when I had my wallet stolen in Italy which contained my photo driving licence amongst other things. 

Perhaps the difference in speed of getting things done might depend of whether it is an automated process or one that needs individual input to get through the system? 


moulesy replied on 05/06/2021 10:25

Posted on 05/06/2021 10:25

Just as an update, I tried again on, I think, Wednesday. First two attempts I got the "session expired" page half way through and on the third attempt I got it right at the very end after entering all my payment details.  Had just about decided to give up but almost immediately got an email acknowledging my application and payment. So, hopefully, new licence on the way. 

But the system did put me in mind of CT for a little while!  laughinglaughing

Airborne replied on 07/06/2021 14:22

Posted on 04/06/2021 22:16 by KjellNN

Just renewed my over 70 licence on line.  Applied on Tuesday, new licence in the letterbox today.  Amazing!

Posted on 07/06/2021 14:22

But I bet you don't have or want to continue your C1E and D1E licences?


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