Safefill - Refillable Gas Cylinders

tadhatter replied on 18/06/2019 13:16

Posted on 18/06/2019 13:16

Last summer, as part of my ambition to do far more off-grid touring, I thought I'd invest* in Safefill. Perhaps my alarm belles should have been ringing when the place I went to go to purchase a canister was Brayford Leicsure and they only had one size available - the medium sized one - and lots of them! But nonetheless I coughed up my circa £160 for it and have them fill it up and carried on smug in the knowledge that I would soon be quids in in longer term savings.

However, for various personal reasons we haven't been able to get out in the caravan anything like as much as we had hoped since then - partly due to a job change and house move - we've only just got round to needing to re-fill it. I duly looked on Safefill's website to find stockists and discovered that there was only one in about a 10 mile radius. That would be ok if this garage would actaully allow me to refill it. Notices on their lpg pumps said that individual gas canisters were not be refilled here and before I even checked at the kiosk a forceful looking lady shouted at me saying that I couldn't fill that thing here!  However, after discussion she told me where, locally, I could get it sorted. I thanked her and went on to that location. Unfortunately she clearly mistook Safefill with standard Calor gas. I tried to call Safefill at this point only to hear that I couldn't leave a message as the mailbox was full! 

I proceeded to look for an alternative website to see where LPG was stocked and then proceeded to a couple of other locations, one which didn't actaully exist anynore and another also refused to let me fill my Safefill container. Having wasted 2 hours on a wild goose chase I decided to head home as I had work to do rather annoyed and frustrated.

So, can anyone else tell me if they'ved had simialr unhelpful experiences with Safefill or, more helpfully, let me know somewhere where I can get my cylinder refilled in the Beds/Herts/Bucks area.

Very much lool forward to hearing responses.



*for investment read expensive wasted of money!

MichaelT replied on 25/06/2019 18:01

Posted on 25/06/2019 17:00 by

I have no problem with Safefill, and no problem with Merve per se but I find these fantasies about the actions of the "big LPG companies" and their "dirty tricks dept" rediculious, but also somewhat amusing laughing

Do you honestly think that the likes of Calor, a £400m company and Flogas, a part of a £14 billion plus company are concerned about Safefill who barely turns over £1m.  It just does not make sense to me; does it to you?.  

Posted on 25/06/2019 18:01

Don't Calor own Auto Gas which is where all the LPG comes from on the forecourts so I think it unlikely they would stop people using it if they do.

replied on 25/06/2019 18:14

Posted on 25/06/2019 18:01 by MichaelT

Don't Calor own Auto Gas which is where all the LPG comes from on the forecourts so I think it unlikely they would stop people using it if they do.

Posted on 25/06/2019 18:14

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Oneputt replied on 25/06/2019 19:06

Posted on 25/06/2019 17:08 by

I replied to your question, will you not answer mine?

Posted on 25/06/2019 19:06

No, it’s your opinion that counts

All that I will say is that I own a safefill and am completely satisfied with it

Merve replied on 25/06/2019 19:20

Posted on 25/06/2019 18:01 by MichaelT

Don't Calor own Auto Gas which is where all the LPG comes from on the forecourts so I think it unlikely they would stop people using it if they do.

Posted on 25/06/2019 19:20

Yes they do and they have and Do stop Safefill users using their Autogas pumps.It has happened to me with no decent reason given apart from the usual guff about no insurance, they’re unsafe etc etc. As I have proved before, I know a few things that are going on. I have followed the fortunes of Safefill from almost the beginning. If DD finds it amusing that’s great for him. It’s not the size of Safefill but what they represent and the ideas that they are implanting into caravanners and campers. At last people are seeing that they can be free from swingeing rental charges. It might be small now but it’s growing and that is what frightens them to death. If it didn’t they wouldn’t have done to SF what they have done and besides, greed knows no bounds! We need to back the good guys! 

replied on 25/06/2019 20:26

Posted on 25/06/2019 19:06 by Oneputt

No, it’s your opinion that counts

All that I will say is that I own a safefill and am completely satisfied with it

Posted on 25/06/2019 20:26

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WK57ABF replied on 25/06/2019 20:29

Posted on 25/06/2019 17:00 by

I have no problem with Safefill, and no problem with Merve per se but I find these fantasies about the actions of the "big LPG companies" and their "dirty tricks dept" rediculious, but also somewhat amusing laughing

Do you honestly think that the likes of Calor, a £400m company and Flogas, a part of a £14 billion plus company are concerned about Safefill who barely turns over £1m.  It just does not make sense to me; does it to you?.  

Posted on 25/06/2019 20:29

Another fantasy post - I can assure you DD that the "advice" to garage owners by the big boys supplying them with lpg is very real. 

I've been to fill up cylinders, been spotted on cctv and the garage owner has come out screaming about fire risks/insurance/their supplies of lpg being cut off if I filled them.  I suspect the filling of the odd refillable is not as much concern to the big companies as the filling of their rentals.

At a couple of garages I use to fill my cylinders, I sense they are uneasy about doing so but have no problem filling Calor cylinders.  In fact they have charts in their offices showing 3.9 through 47 kg cylinder capacities in litres at 80% fill.


replied on 25/06/2019 20:51

Posted on 25/06/2019 20:29 by WK57ABF

Another fantasy post - I can assure you DD that the "advice" to garage owners by the big boys supplying them with lpg is very real. 

I've been to fill up cylinders, been spotted on cctv and the garage owner has come out screaming about fire risks/insurance/their supplies of lpg being cut off if I filled them.  I suspect the filling of the odd refillable is not as much concern to the big companies as the filling of their rentals.

At a couple of garages I use to fill my cylinders, I sense they are uneasy about doing so but have no problem filling Calor cylinders.  In fact they have charts in their offices showing 3.9 through 47 kg cylinder capacities in litres at 80% fill.


Posted on 25/06/2019 20:51

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WK57ABF replied on 25/06/2019 21:12

Posted on 25/06/2019 20:51 by

John, I'm quite sure there are those out there that may not be aware of SF and other portable refillable cylinders and may "panic" if they see something that looks like an attempt to fill a rental.  

I've been looked at closely when refilling my installed cylinders simply because I keep my adaptors in the cylinder locker and open it to get the right one prior to filling. 

I too have seen the charts you mention but I have never seen a garage refilling any rentals cylinders, but it quite safe to do so if they have the right equipment and skills, although it could well be illegal.  I wonder why they would bother?

Posted on 25/06/2019 21:12

DD - it is illegal to fill rentals - you ask why do they bother - farmers, businesses and private individuals are queuing up for cheap gas and I'm convinced this is what's worrying to gas suppliers.

The future is refillable bottles - 300,000,000 people in North America can't be wrong - and we're 20 years behind them.


Oneputt replied on 25/06/2019 21:16

Posted on 25/06/2019 20:26 by

What a remarkably rude and nasty response.Thanks.  I am however pleased that the choice you have made to use SF works for you.  

Posted on 25/06/2019 21:16

I ask you a question you answered, I thanked you for your response, how is that rude?

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