What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

DEBSC replied on 21/01/2021 10:45

Posted on 20/01/2021 20:17 by brue

The vaccine is delayed in the SW due to supplies and sheer numbers, apparently nearly 170,000 over 80s to contact, much more than some areas. Over 70s will have a 2-3 week wait.

Posted on 21/01/2021 10:45

Yes heard on the local news that still more 80s to go than most areas. Knowing how many people retire here it's pretty obvious more 80s and 70s so you would like to believe they had thought of that with the supplies but it seems not. Think us 70+ here will have a long wait.

Bakers2 replied on 21/01/2021 12:55

Posted on 21/01/2021 12:55

Oh Goldie 😱😱 follow your medics advice, you certainly don't want an A&E visit at the moment. Seems like you may need some looking after yourself. Is it your dominant hand/arm? Whichever it isn't easy and takes a bit of adapting too.

Good news, the mark's came out of the washing, still all blowing nicely on the line. Still bright, odd glimpse of sun. Really feeling it for folk affected by the weather. So good dog walk, and we've found an playing field that appears to be less used, not telling anyone, so Dora had a great run and we both came back clean 😀 if more than a tad windswept. I felt, well know, my pre Christmas hair cut was VERY drastically short, 5 weeks ago today and I only feel it's getting there now, but turns out a Godsend as didn't meet anyone whilst it was skinhead like and my next appointment has already been postponed until early March.

Accepted the quote for new boiler, after checking the figure as it seemed too good to be true - I expected 4k plus and its nowhere near that! Awaiting proper confirmation but Tuesday or Thursday next week.

brue replied on 21/01/2021 13:31

Posted on 21/01/2021 13:31

Hope your arm heals up well Goldie, good to have those steri strips to hand, not that we have any, perhaps a good idea now. My sister has to patch up my BIL frequently as his skin is fragile but he often ends up at A&E too.

I expect you are pleased to get the boiler under way Bakers2, ours was a reasonable cost as no extras involved, a direct replacement and some new external pipework up to the latest standards.

Debsc, yes I think we'll be waiting longer down our way, too many of us! An over 80 neighbour told us of his trip over the Blackdown Hills to get to Taunton race course, many will probably choose to wait a bit longer till it's more local for them, Taunton has higher infection rates at the moment.

Rufs replied on 21/01/2021 14:18

Posted on 21/01/2021 14:18

Latest news reports say the Glastonbury Festival for 2021 has been cancelled, some will be saying praise the lord, but does this mean lots of hospitality/leisure activities are going to go the same way undecided

JVB66 replied on 21/01/2021 14:34

Posted on 21/01/2021 14:18 by Rufs

Latest news reports say the Glastonbury Festival for 2021 has been cancelled, some will be saying praise the lord, but does this mean lots of hospitality/leisure activities are going to go the same way undecided

Posted on 21/01/2021 14:34

We have been looking at some and although they are hoping it seems social distancing is the one factor that would not make them viable without higher costs 

we have had today a UK coach tours brochure and when looking at prices last year and this the prices are all well above what they were last year ,but they have "amended" most so they are "not quite the same?" surprised

its like companies advertise if you find it cheaper we will match or the price or  give extra discount?but no one else sells the product with the same model numberundecided

DavidKlyne replied on 21/01/2021 14:59

Posted on 21/01/2021 14:59

I feel defeated today! My delightful sister in law gave me a jigsaw for Christmas. The intention seemed right as it was an aerial (Google Earth) picture of where we live made into a jigsaw. Unfortunately the photograph contains too large an area and is very dark making it almost impossible to see the detail. I probably got 15/20% constructed but today decided I wasn't enjoying it so put it back in the box. I don't usually shy away from a difficult jigsaw but this one was beyond enjoyment!!!


Wherenext replied on 21/01/2021 15:11

Posted on 21/01/2021 15:11

After all of the rain and snow yesterday the roads and pavements were treacherous first thing as we had a frost to boot. (funny saying that when you read itundecided).

However the sun was out and it's done it's work. I've been up to see how bad the gutter problem is and it's bad. The gutter has pulled the old Soffit board away completely. I've made a temporary drain hole and left a message for a roofer as I've noticed quite a few of the old tiles looking rather worn. 

North East Wales was hit pretty bad with flooding and poor old Ruthin and towns along the River Dee like Bangor have suffered. What an absolute ***** 12 months some people have had.

replied on 21/01/2021 15:49

Posted on 21/01/2021 15:11 by Wherenext

After all of the rain and snow yesterday the roads and pavements were treacherous first thing as we had a frost to boot. (funny saying that when you read itundecided).

However the sun was out and it's done it's work. I've been up to see how bad the gutter problem is and it's bad. The gutter has pulled the old Soffit board away completely. I've made a temporary drain hole and left a message for a roofer as I've noticed quite a few of the old tiles looking rather worn. 

North East Wales was hit pretty bad with flooding and poor old Ruthin and towns along the River Dee like Bangor have suffered. What an absolute ***** 12 months some people have had.

Posted on 21/01/2021 15:49

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replied on 21/01/2021 15:51

Posted on 21/01/2021 14:59 by DavidKlyne

I feel defeated today! My delightful sister in law gave me a jigsaw for Christmas. The intention seemed right as it was an aerial (Google Earth) picture of where we live made into a jigsaw. Unfortunately the photograph contains too large an area and is very dark making it almost impossible to see the detail. I probably got 15/20% constructed but today decided I wasn't enjoying it so put it back in the box. I don't usually shy away from a difficult jigsaw but this one was beyond enjoyment!!!


Posted on 21/01/2021 15:51

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

brue replied on 21/01/2021 19:20

Posted on 21/01/2021 19:20

Snap again, I gave my American States map puzzle to my sister, I quite enjoyed doing it but she didn't like it all so she's passed it on to a  friend. I did another one, an impressionist painting with a lot of sea, it drove me mad! wink

I'm waiting for a Wentworth puzzle, they are very busy due to lockdown demand so no puzzles on the go just now.

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