What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

brue replied on 22/02/2021 16:37

Posted on 22/02/2021 16:37

I've been sitting outside in the sun this afternoon, went on a dog walk and then enjoyed a cup of tea out on a bench...lovely! 

Usual jobs done, now listening to Boris in Westminster.

Reading Goldie's post, just to say that the National Archives are still doing free searches on some of their documents. I downloaded my paternal Grandfather's Victorian Naval papers not long ago. I've already got his discharge papers (from 13yrs to 50 yrs of age) I can now work out where he was on some of the ships and finally his reserve time as a Coastguard...and then after all that he emigrated to Canada! 

SteveL replied on 22/02/2021 17:08

Posted on 22/02/2021 17:08

We have just spent an hour or so reading some stories for  our granddaughter. She has something called a Toniebox. You can buy little plastic figures with pre recorded stories, as well as blanks on which you can record your own. The box connects to the internet and the tonie cloud. We can read the stories into the App on our pads, and assign them to the figure we bought. Her mum can then put the figure on the box, press a few buttons and the story will be downloaded. It will then remain in the figure unless Deleted User.
A very useful device for these covid times, when we can’t meet up and read stories in person.

ABM replied on 22/02/2021 17:33

Posted on 22/02/2021 17:33

One thing is certain, Goldie,  those lads definitely knew how to wear a properly tied tie !!  And his cheeks do not appear to have sunk, unlike my father ~~ his gnashers lived in a drinking glass in the pantry when I was a little 'un  -- took me ages to work out they were a full set of false  teeth surprised. They did not cause him to get de-mobilized though ~~ they did that fast enough after the first mad race to sign-up all of an age for WW2 but they had to wait until he misplaced his specs and proved he was as blind as a bat without them ! I think that they were off cuts from a Victorian window glazers work bench !!cool

Cornersteady replied on 22/02/2021 18:01

Posted on 22/02/2021 18:01

Well was there early for my vaccination due at 8am, had it at 7.55 and was out for 8.10. A fantastic nurse did the jab and really just a slight pain, had far worse.

Arm and shoulder feels stiff/sore and felt very tired about 2 and was totally out with the best sleep I've had for a long time for about an hour and a half. 

Rainy this morning but sunshine this afternoon. 

Wherenext replied on 22/02/2021 18:11

Posted on 22/02/2021 18:11

Having heard the news about holidays in England I went on to the holiday cottage website.

They had a transfer to later date button so entered our booking reference and dates wanted and hey presto their website crashed. Wasn't me, honest, I didn't touch it.

So the system has now wiped our booking off completely without transferring it and guess what, yep they're really busy on the phones and chat line can't help.

Good news is that i'm position 8 in the phone queue. Make that 7. 

Oh, the fun we have .smile

Tammygirl replied on 22/02/2021 18:15

Posted on 22/02/2021 18:15

Lovely day here today as well, that's 2 days on the trotsmile. Tomorrow of course will be awful we have an amber warning for heavy rain. Big sister got a message to say flood warning was off today phew, could be back on tomorrow though.

I'm back to fitness, front garden got a good tidy up this morning. OH, washed the cars and did a bit of work on mine. The brakes have been making a noise when its been sat for a few days. We don't leave the handbrake on but they are still noisy. Today he stripped them down and gave them a good clean. That will do for awhile but as soon as its warmer he will fit new ones. 

We sat out the front in the sun and had a cuppa, that's the first this year. 

While the sun was still out I decided to air the caravan, one thing lead to another and I ended up spring cleaning it. All looking good and ready'ish for the off.

We got an email from BF to say our late April crossing to Spain has been cancelled. We had thought it would but not until nearer the time. They have offered a refund or voucher valid for 2 years.

Just waiting for the news to find out when we can all get away in the vans. 

Bakers2, sorry to hear you are still feeling tired and under par, hope it passes soon.

Wherenext replied on 22/02/2021 18:33

Posted on 22/02/2021 18:33

Phew. Spoke to a living person instead of a computer.

All sorted for new date in October.

Operator did say they were a tad busy.

Good to hear you are feeling better Tammy.

nelliethehooker replied on 22/02/2021 20:34

Posted on 22/02/2021 18:33 by Wherenext

Phew. Spoke to a living person instead of a computer.

All sorted for new date in October.

Operator did say they were a tad busy.

Good to hear you are feeling better Tammy.

Posted on 22/02/2021 20:34

Good news that, WN.

Looks as if we'll be able to get away without having to cancel more than 2 CLs, provided of course that OH can get a hair appointment soon after they open.

Bit of a mixed day for us. I had a visit to the dentist this morning, which resulted, after a check up, having 2 fillings done and coming away with a further appointment to get 3 more filled, towards the end of March. Called in at the recycling centre in the way home but it was closed for an hour. Returned just after noon and still had a 30 min wait, in a queue, before getting rid of my rubbish. Then it was back to the dentist for OH's appointment, and she came away with a number more, all to be done before the end of March thankfully. After that it was over to the shore for a walk with Flyte, which made a change from our usual walks.

Wherenext replied on 22/02/2021 21:42

Posted on 22/02/2021 21:42

Wow, Nellie!

I never realised you had so many teeth in your head and now all of them need fixing.surprisedlaughing Good luck. Try to be nice to the one with the needle.

Good luck for the lady of the house. MiL has a hair appointment for 16th. March, a tentative date suggested by First Minister the other day. Mrs WN given instructions to fix one for her. OH not got one yet!

Quite good news about 12th.April for you.

KjellNN replied on 23/02/2021 12:24

Posted on 23/02/2021 12:24

Terrible weather here today....very wet and very windy.....staying in and doing some sorting and sewing.......we have some  curtains to make for DD.

I have been tasked with zig-zagging the cut edges while OH puts on washing and tidies the kitchen, but she found a spider on the floor in the utility room, which had of course disappeared by the time I got there, so she is meantime refusing to go in there.

Probably under the washing machine, which I have refused to move!

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