What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

SeasideBill replied on 24/01/2022 09:39

Posted on 23/01/2022 23:26 by Takethedogalong

It’s interesting using something like a Fitbit Watch that analyses your sleep patterns. Shows the different phases such as deep, light, rapid eye movement, awake.  OH says mine needs an asleep but walking mode as well😯

Posted on 24/01/2022 09:39

Yes, those gadgets are interesting. Makes you realise that sleep duration and quality of sleep are two entirely different things. I’m usually in bed around midnight and up after 9am. That’s my natural rhythm. By the time I’ve had several cups of tea, eaten breakfast and faffed about I often find toilet blocks closed for cleaning on CMC sites! 


SeasideBill replied on 24/01/2022 10:03

Posted on 24/01/2022 04:50 by richardandros

I'm another one who has trouble sleeping - or rather, sleeping at the wrong time! I go to bed early - even more so of late as my leg tends to get more and more swollen and painful as the day goes on - but then I'm usually awake about 4 am.  Can't be doing with lounging about in bed, so get up to make a cuppa and browse the 'net - read the papers etc, on this computer.  It becomes a bit of a vicious circle.

In summer, I see what I consider to be the best part of the day - but can't say the same at this time of the year.

Posted on 24/01/2022 10:03

Expensive needing to put the heating on early 🥴

SeasideBill replied on 24/01/2022 12:44

Posted on 24/01/2022 12:37 by DavidKlyne

I don't need a Fitbit to tell me I have had a rotten nights sleepsurprised I sometimes fell better after a poor nights sleep than when I have had a good nights sleep, all a bit odd!


Posted on 24/01/2022 12:44

Not odd really, just illustrates the points made previously - it’s about how much time you spend in the various phases of sleep (which can be measured), each playing a vital role in maintaining your physical and mental health. If that pattern is disturbed, the restorative benefits of sleep can be diminished.

Wherenext replied on 24/01/2022 13:25

Posted on 24/01/2022 13:25

Well I woke up at about 2.50 this morning and finally got back to sleep nearly 2 hours later but still managed 7 hours sleep in total. It's awkward as my wife's sleep pattern and mine are out of sync. I tend to fall asleep earlier and wake earlier. Mrs WN is usually an hour or so later in both instances. I have often woke up alone as she has disappeared to the spare bed. Bit difficult in the caravan though!😂

We eventually got back into normality by food shopping this morning. The day is a bit brassic out there. Still chasing and waiting for a reply from the hotel in France. Have just sent another stronger letter threatening legal action so hope that shifts someone.

Has anyone heard how Pliers mothers doing? I haven't kept up with all the news whilst away in France.

cyberyacht replied on 24/01/2022 18:04

Posted on 24/01/2022 18:04

Strange. I also woke around 3am and couldn't get off again. Did have a bit over an hour this afternoon to make up though. There has been a bit in the press of recent times about the nation's sleep patterns.  

Takethedogalong replied on 24/01/2022 20:39

Posted on 24/01/2022 09:39 by SeasideBill

Yes, those gadgets are interesting. Makes you realise that sleep duration and quality of sleep are two entirely different things. I’m usually in bed around midnight and up after 9am. That’s my natural rhythm. By the time I’ve had several cups of tea, eaten breakfast and faffed about I often find toilet blocks closed for cleaning on CMC sites! 


Posted on 24/01/2022 20:39

Yes! The morning closures are not helpful to us either. Main reason we opted to use our own.

I was a tad sceptical about the quality of sleep information given by my little Fitbit, but have to say it’s impressed me. I do find that being physically active helps me immensely as well. 

Takethedogalong replied on 24/01/2022 20:45

Posted on 24/01/2022 02:17 by DSB

My pattern of sleep is, at best, inconsistent and 'unpredictable.  I rarely get to bed before 1am, but it's sometimes a question of sleeping at the wrong time and in the wrong place.  I've been asleep in the chair for a couple of hours tonight and have just woke up (2am).....

My Fitbit analysis of sleep pattern usually comes out as Fair or Good - usually a score in the 70's.  Very occasionally I get an Excellent or Poor.

Now I've woken, I'll go to bed and watch TV on the phone (with earbuds).  I'll eventually fall to sleep and probably won't last out the 'first programme!!  😀😀



Posted on 24/01/2022 20:45

Coo, that’s not good really. I am always in 80-90’s. We often get out of sync at Xmas time, with film watching and in normal times a bit of partying, but I aim to try and go to bed at a fairly regular time, and get up within a half hour window, certainly after at least 8hours. OH stays up late at weekends watching MOTD, then is grumpy if he has to get up early on Monday.🤣 The dog is no help, he has an elastic bladder, never in a rush to be up early.

nelliethehooker replied on 24/01/2022 21:47

Posted on 24/01/2022 21:47

I won't go into my sleep patterns as they are so erratic. Often have to have 3 lol breaks during the night but last night only up twice and the second time was to switch the heater on in the van at 7:00. Just be the best night's sleep I've had in ages.

Shopping for us today, Aldi in Harrogate, before onto Ripley and a good circular walk from over 2.5 hrs. The sun has disappeared but it wasn't too cold and no wind so can't complain.

KjellNN replied on 24/01/2022 23:47

Posted on 24/01/2022 23:47

Apparently, according to OH, I can "sleep for Norway AND  Scotland", sleeping is never a problem for me, but OH is a different matter, or so she tells me, as I , of  course, am asleep.

She has always had problems sleeping, her brain is just too busy trying to solve problems.  These days she is better at just lying resting rather than tossing and turning, but she is still doing a lot of thinking, and occasionally will get up for an hour, then come back to bed and end up sleeping late.

Now we have Alexa in several rooms, we have her playing the radio for about half an hour when we go to  bed, and she is our alarm, though these days we often switch it off and have another hour  in bed.

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