What have you seen

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:48

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:48

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread.  Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday.  Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers

eribaMotters replied on 12/04/2021 21:04

Posted on 12/04/2021 21:04

We live in Formby on Merseyside, about 1/2 mile from the sand dunes and pine forests. It is one of the few places left to find red squirrels in the UK and we see them most days in the garden.

I'm not into wildlife but the last couple of weeks have been wonderful. The pigeons are well upset as a pheasant and it's mate have just chucked their nest out of the tree behind us. Next morning we woke to the male having a hissy fit at the two squirrels on the fence, I'm guessing his missus was laying eggs and the hubby was worried. No problem as the magpies turned up and gave the squirrels some grief. After lunch it got better as a Mr and Mrs duck turned up again and wandered around. They've visited a few times over the last fortnight.

Hopefully with clear nights we will see the bats again. I'm not sure where they nest but last year they played in the 40ft sycamore trees we back onto.

We also have two woodpeckers within earshot that now the windows are open at night we can hear, along with at least 3 owls that call to each other. 


Wherenext replied on 12/04/2021 21:36

Posted on 12/04/2021 21:36

ExT, we were walking through Stodmarsh Nature Reserve near Canterbury one year and stood still as a Stoat came trotting along the pathway towards us with a rabbit in its mouth. It was April so I guess it had young Stoaties to feed. It looked pleased as punch, then he looked up over the rabbit's head and saw us. Half a  second later he'd disappeared with the rabbit. Never forget it. 

I've seen a Weasel take a baby rabbit. Just as quick.

Wherenext replied on 12/04/2021 21:38

Posted on 12/04/2021 21:38

Colin, for someone who doesn't notice wildlife you are not doing too bad! You've a nice area up there. We've visited it several times. Keep an eye out for the Natterjack toads.

Pliers replied on 13/04/2021 15:16

Posted on 13/04/2021 15:16

Swallows, lots of them, flying over the canal near Barrowford. 🙂

OH had gone out for a morning bike ride so dipped out. Think he might be joining me for a stroll down there tomorrow! 

brue replied on 13/04/2021 17:50

Posted on 13/04/2021 17:50

We're still waiting for swallows here, I usually hear them chattering overhead before they settle in a neighbour's barn.

Wherenext replied on 13/04/2021 18:29

Posted on 13/04/2021 18:29

On a walk around a country house in mid Wales today and spent a glorious 5 minutes watching a beautiful Redstart in some Osiers around a pond. Saw 2 more today plus our first Willow Warbler of the year and all 3 of the UKs Woodpeckers.

Also had a lovely sighting of some Yellow Arum and about a Million Bees, according to the information in an Apiary. Fascinating watching them and reading about them from the information boards.

Capped it off by watching a Red Kite.

You can probably tell we had a great time today.smile

Oh, and we heard a Little Owl right behind us on the CL last night, about 4 o'clock this morning to be more precise.

RedKite replied on 13/04/2021 19:26

Posted on 13/04/2021 19:26

Well the field crickets are now chirping in the field and also heard them in fields whilst out for a walk this pm, have got both black and common redstarts here now all looking for nesting areas, thought I heard the golden oriole also on the walk will listen again tomorrow, also saw a green  blacked speckled lizard with a very orange underside but not very big but very elegant.

No red kites here today but have had 3 black kites go over.

cyberyacht replied on 14/04/2021 11:35

Posted on 14/04/2021 11:35

Walking along the Avon into Salisbury yesterday, we saw a peregrine wheeling in the sky. Upon our return observed a female mallard, head on its side eying the sky in a nervous fashion. Looked up and saw a buzzard passing over.

brue replied on 15/04/2021 09:37

Posted on 15/04/2021 09:37

There is a live webcam for the Peregrines on Salisbury Cathedral. smile

First hatchlings here....a bit smaller than Peregrines!

RedKite replied on 15/04/2021 10:40

Posted on 15/04/2021 10:40

Just heard the Nightingale in the little plot next to OH's shed same area as last year so hopefully it will nest there again, only trouble is now the Jay's and Magpie's are on the hunt for eggs and nestlings, saw a Jay yesterday looking around one of our tit boxes at least it cannot get in it has a metal frame around the entrance mainly to stop the woodpeckers.

Interesting photo brue it could be blackbird trying to look at an old birdbook.

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