The Ospreys are back !!

ABM replied on 01/04/2015 16:52

Posted on 01/04/2015 16:52

April  starts  the  season  of  'Osprey  hunting'    for  me .

So  off  to  RSPB  Loch  Garten,  on-line  of  course,  and  the  sites  up, just  about,  but  no  Ospreys  as  yet.

So  over  to  Scottish  Wildlife Trusts  "Loch  of  The  Lowes"  Website  and,  and    Surprised  not  one  but  two  Ospreys  &  mating  in  full  view  of  the  cameras  !  Its  not  the  aged  "Lady"  but  a  new  female  now  in  residence,  so  we'll  have  to  see  if  the  old  girl  turns  up  at  all.  Well  she  is  believed  to  be  in  the  high  twenties  now,  darn  near  Geriatric  as  far  as  Ospreys  go !  I  understand  Rutland  has  a  number  of  arrivals   so  I  must  keep  watching  Loch  Garten  for  more  tales  of  Bad Bird  Behaviour  !!

RedKite replied on 25/08/2022 17:58

Posted on 25/08/2022 17:58

Saw a bird of prey going over this afternoon fairly high up and no time to get bins so a quick walk part the way down our field and realised by the outline and colouring it was a Osprey going south and OH could not even see it even with long distance glasses on.

nelliethehooker replied on 26/08/2022 21:51

Posted on 26/08/2022 10:53 by cyberyacht

The way energy costs are going, I think perhaps we should all follow suit.

Posted on 26/08/2022 21:51

The majority of Ospreys over here seem to agree with you, CY, as many nests are now empty with their previous occupants away to warmer climes for the winter months.😁

nelliethehooker replied on 27/08/2022 20:53

Posted on 27/08/2022 20:53

Have just read that the first of the juvenile Ospreys to leave Kielder this year, Nest 1A’s 439/Frankham was seen on the morning of the 26th in Spain, on the Llobregat Delta at Barcelona. He was last seen at Kielder on the 9 th August.

nelliethehooker replied on 29/08/2022 18:11

Posted on 29/08/2022 18:11

Brian, there has been no sightings of Ospreys on the Loch Garten nest since 22nd Aug, and the last there was a regular intruder, KL5, who has been sussing out the nest on quite a few occasions. Hopefully Axel and Asha will return next Spring, Asha being last seen on 14th, Axel on the 21st, very briefly, and their youngster 1C2 on the 18th.


ABM replied on 29/08/2022 23:07

Posted on 29/08/2022 23:07

Thank you for that info, Nellie  wink.  I do so hope we will get only good information about the adults next April  and 1C2 when its time to 'come home' as it were in a few years time  smile

nelliethehooker replied on 01/09/2022 19:47

Posted on 01/09/2022 19:47

The sole youngster from Nest 4 in Keilder, 442/Featherstone,  was last seen at the nest on Sunday, but was photographed at Baston & Langtoft Pits, Lincolnshire  yesterday.

One of the 2019 Nest 3 Keilder Ospreys, 207/Cawfields, was sighted at Anthorn in Cumbria on 16th August, having last been seen in Senegal in November 2019.

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