The Ospreys are back !!

ABM replied on 01/04/2015 16:52

Posted on 01/04/2015 16:52

April  starts  the  season  of  'Osprey  hunting'    for  me .

So  off  to  RSPB  Loch  Garten,  on-line  of  course,  and  the  sites  up, just  about,  but  no  Ospreys  as  yet.

So  over  to  Scottish  Wildlife Trusts  "Loch  of  The  Lowes"  Website  and,  and    Surprised  not  one  but  two  Ospreys  &  mating  in  full  view  of  the  cameras  !  Its  not  the  aged  "Lady"  but  a  new  female  now  in  residence,  so  we'll  have  to  see  if  the  old  girl  turns  up  at  all.  Well  she  is  believed  to  be  in  the  high  twenties  now,  darn  near  Geriatric  as  far  as  Ospreys  go !  I  understand  Rutland  has  a  number  of  arrivals   so  I  must  keep  watching  Loch  Garten  for  more  tales  of  Bad Bird  Behaviour  !!

mickysf replied on 13/05/2024 10:12

Posted on 13/05/2024 10:12

That’s precisely why we should try to help! Why we should promote and provide ‘wilderness’ where possible and practicable. Other countries are succeeding with that little bit of helpful and thoughtful management. Afterall, history shows we haven’t done very well in our management of ‘things’ have we. We could and should do much better.

Fisherman replied on 13/05/2024 10:31

Posted on 13/05/2024 10:31

I could point out the exact opposite. The gentry introduced non native species of flora and fauna., The gentry shot everything out of existence, not management. The single issue groups ie Badger Trust just dont see or care about the damage caused to other species by the lack of number control. Blame everything on the farmer who puts food on your plate. etc .etc.

mickysf replied on 13/05/2024 11:00

Posted on 13/05/2024 11:00

Some farmers, maybe not all, please don’t tar all with that same brush. 
Yes manage badger populations where needed, cull or better still vaccinate but not eradicate but do so in with that balance in mind. There are formers who tolerate and work alongside badger populations.

Fisherman replied on 13/05/2024 13:39

Posted on 13/05/2024 13:39

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mickysf replied on 13/05/2024 14:23

Posted on 13/05/2024 14:23

Here is some information which helps the understanding of those issues associated with Bovine TB. Having read and digested this I have today modified my stance and now see no benefit from blanket culls or any other kind of cull what so ever.

Fisherman replied on 13/05/2024 15:31

Posted on 13/05/2024 15:31

Content has been removed.

mickysf replied on 13/05/2024 17:39

Posted on 13/05/2024 17:39

Didn’t make it to see the ospreys today, it’s poured down without a pause. Will try again tomorrow. 
Here is a photo that might surprise some. Not uncommon to see in some countries and much loved and encouraged by many. Bit like having a tit nesting box in your garden.

Wherenext replied on 13/05/2024 19:48

Posted on 13/05/2024 19:48

I was talking to a Fish Farmer in Eastern Germany a few years ago after watching an Osprey try, but fail on numerous occasions, to catch one of his fish.

I asked him whether he minded the birds taking his stock. He said he didn't. He enjoyed watching them, especially the young ones as they try to master their technique. He likened his "losses" to a shopkeeper building in a natural amount of Shrinkage (I've modified our exact conversation to reflect meaning). His main enemy wasn't the Ospreys but the Otters. I didn't find out what precautions he took for them as his English and my German suddenly became incomprehensible!undecided He did have some dogs which looked a lot like photos I've seen of Otterhounds but never seen one in the flesh.

Ospreys, especially inexperienced ones, have a high failure rate of taking a fish and will only take enough food to sustain themselves or their immediate family.

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