Best reads - Club Together Book Club?

RowenaBCAMC replied on 03/01/2014 12:47

Posted on 03/01/2014 12:47

I'm just about coming to the end of Deborah Moggach’s book, Heartbreak Hotel. I found it a very enjoyable read and very amusing. But what should I read next? Any recommendations? 

I also wondered if anyone would be interested in a Club Together book club? According to a member survey earlier last year, reading is the most recurring leisure activity whilst caravanning. I know I’m a book worm and I’m sure there’s a few of us out there who enjoy a good read. Anyone interested or any suggestions? 

JayOutdoors replied on 25/08/2020 08:48

Posted on 25/08/2020 08:48

The Constant Soldier by William Ryan was 1 of the books chosen for me by our library when it re-opened.  I found it well written though not an era I usually read about.  It featured a German soldier towards the end of the second world war.  The author's note at the end about the photographs in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum was not something I knew about.

brue replied on 27/08/2020 18:10

Posted on 27/08/2020 18:10

Decided it was time for a holiday read and chose Finding Freedom by C Durand & O Scobie. Probably not for the discerning or faint hearted, but a long whinging story about the demands put upon the wealthy and privileged and the use of private jets and lots of "close" friends. Oh and a bit of a hoo ha over a tiara...well I've never worn one so it's not something I can sympathise with a lot. (Not totally recommended but thought I'd confess about my low reading standards. laughing) LOL 🍸🍹

moulesy replied on 05/09/2020 10:58

Posted on 05/09/2020 10:58

If there is anyone out there besides me and Mrs M who hasn't yet read it "The Tattooist of Auscwitz" is on Kindle Daily Deal at 99p for today only. 

And in a completely different genre, for fans of John Connolly's "Charlie Parker" series there is a new addition "The Dirty South" just out. 👍

HelenandTrevor replied on 24/10/2020 14:23

Posted on 24/10/2020 14:23

I have just finished reading the first two Yorkshire Shepherdess books by Amanda Owen. I watched some if the series on channel 5 and a neighbour lent me the books. I have enjoyed them, their lifestyle is very different,  and she has had some very funny experiences.

Wherenext replied on 24/10/2020 15:19

Posted on 24/10/2020 15:19

Half way through a book about globalisation but this one shows how it isn't a new fangled idea or ethos but was around in the year 1000 AD. Quite a lot of information to take in in one sitting so I tend to read 30 or so pages at a time. Worth a look if anyone interested in history. I'll probably forget 90% of the facts but hopefully the other 10% will be gold

The Year 1000 by Valerie Hansen

nelliethehooker replied on 24/10/2020 21:00

Posted on 05/09/2020 10:58 by moulesy

If there is anyone out there besides me and Mrs M who hasn't yet read it "The Tattooist of Auscwitz" is on Kindle Daily Deal at 99p for today only. 

And in a completely different genre, for fans of John Connolly's "Charlie Parker" series there is a new addition "The Dirty South" just out. 👍

Posted on 24/10/2020 21:00

Have now read The Tattooist but couldn't understand the hype about it, and thought that The Librarian of Auscwitz a much better read.

Goldie146 replied on 25/10/2020 10:36

Posted on 25/10/2020 10:36

I’ve just finished “The Darkest Evening “ by Ann Cleeves (a Vera book). A bought it a few weeks ago, and have been holding of starting, as I know there won’t be another for some time. In the end it was staring at from the kitchen bookcase, and I picked it up. Wonderful! I had two goes at guessing the main culprit - both totally wrong.

Highly recommended. 

But what next?

Latest Ian Rankin, or An English Pastoral by our friend James Rebanks?

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