Dog toileting

Skoula replied on 30/04/2022 10:15

Posted on 30/04/2022 10:15

Looking for some advice, we are booked into a Club Site in a few weeks time with our dogs. I have just read a review that says dog toileting isnt allowed on the site which is fair enough. However I am wondering how to stop the dogs toileting during the walk from the motorhome to the outside of the site. Feeling stressed......

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 01/05/2022 09:42

Posted on 30/04/2022 23:05 by mickysf

Understood but when said dog accidentally wees in inappropriate places, despite your best efforts, at least get some water and attempt to dilute the problem. Sometimes we dog lovers are our own worst enemies.The issue here is what some consider appropriate areas. Laziness rules in some cases,

Posted on 01/05/2022 09:42

+1, carry a bottle of water-if Dog is caught short give the area a good dousing to dilute any negative effects! it isn’t fair to physically stop a Dog that has been indoors for 8hrs+

mickysf replied on 01/05/2022 09:53

Posted on 01/05/2022 09:42 by Rocky 2 buckets

+1, carry a bottle of water-if Dog is caught short give the area a good dousing to dilute any negative effects! it isn’t fair to physically stop a Dog that has been indoors for 8hrs+

Posted on 01/05/2022 09:53

Too right, Rocky, it’s about being responsible and considerate. It’s far better not to give those dog haters the ammunition and more about exhibiting that good example on sites and in other public places. 

Takethedogalong replied on 01/05/2022 11:01

Posted on 01/05/2022 11:01

Generally, Club Sites are very nice places to holiday with a dog. Most usually have a dedicated dog walk area, or something very good next door, and a briskish walk will get most healthy pooches to that area easily. I find it sad if folks might be worrying about taking a dog, because all it needs is a bit of pre planning, choosing a pitch wisely, and being a good, considerate pet owner. Choose your pitch well, be aware of your dogs needs and exercise ability, carry a few necessities each walk (poo bags, water bottle, etc) and don’t dawdle getting to the appropriate area. Any accidents, clean up properly asap. 

It’s about being aware of your dog’s needs. If it’s elderly, it needs a pitch closer to the dog walk area. It might need more frequent walks. If the owner isn’t quick on their feet, choose a pitch closer to the dog walk area. If it’s small, pick it up and carry to dog walk area. Short lead, determined walk, not having to wait too long will get 90% of dogs to the appropriate exercise area. Staff know accidents will happen, but folks just need to take responsibility, clean up properly, and not let the dog owning community down. No one should be apprehensive about taking a dog to a Club Site, it’s about being prepared, taking responsibility for that pet, and doing what’s best for all visitors. 

Sadly, you will encounter the haters. We have, but they are relatively few and far between, and I can only think of one instance in 30 years where anything nasty happened to us, which the staff admitted was baffling. Just be prepared, you know your pooch and it’s needs, don’t give anyone any ammunition to use, and then relax, because in the main, Club Sites are great places to holiday with a dog if you are a responsible owner.👍

eurortraveller replied on 01/05/2022 12:07

Posted on 01/05/2022 12:07

Hi Skoula, Cancel your booking. Go to a farm site. Fewer rules . Less stressful.

mickysf replied on 01/05/2022 13:20

Posted on 01/05/2022 13:20

Go ahead Skoula, don’t cancel. Many of the ‘rules’ are just common courtesy, common sense and just plain good for life in general. Much the same as you will find on practically all other sites be they private or CLs. A bit like visiting a neighbour or family/friends house and garden, I’m sure many of us won’t let our standards slip in these cases out of sheer laziness. We are friendly, just a very few let us down but that’s part of life too. Unfortunately we sometimes need ‘rules’ to help protect us from this minority.

JVB66 replied on 01/05/2022 13:23

Posted on 01/05/2022 13:20 by mickysf

Go ahead Skula, don’t cancel. Many of the ‘rules’ are just common courtesy, common sense and just plain good for life in general. Much the same as you will find on practically all other sites be they private or CLs. A bit like visiting a neighbour or family/friends house and garden, I’m sure many of us won’t let our standards slip in these cases out of sheer laziness. 

Posted on 01/05/2022 13:23

Very well put ,cool

mickysf replied on 06/05/2022 12:52

Posted on 06/05/2022 12:25 by bronco

Do the people who complain about dogs, not walk when they are not on club sites.

Posted on 06/05/2022 12:52

Coming from the same area as you I can only say that things have got much better during my lifetime. I remember ‘no spitting’ signs on busses, trains and in other public places. I remember dog mess all over our town and village paths, strangely much of this white in colour, what was that about? There were no dog bins to be seen either. It’s just that a few really do let us down and when they do they are so much more obvious in their behaviours today. One reason things are so much better today is due to community pressure from the likes of me and you. It was setting the good example and ‘complaining’ that lead to change. Let’s hope things even improve further.


SeasideBill replied on 06/05/2022 14:51

Posted on 06/05/2022 14:51

Funny you should say that about white dog poo. Strangely I found myself in a conversation about that very subject in the pub recently. Apparently it’s all to do with dog food ingredients. Time was it was very high in calcium due to all the bones being crushed up into the mix during the manufacturing process. Nowadays most dogs eat better than I do, so we’re back to normal dog poo. Personally I preferred it white & dry!

replied on 06/05/2022 15:01

Posted on 06/05/2022 14:51 by SeasideBill

Funny you should say that about white dog poo. Strangely I found myself in a conversation about that very subject in the pub recently. Apparently it’s all to do with dog food ingredients. Time was it was very high in calcium due to all the bones being crushed up into the mix during the manufacturing process. Nowadays most dogs eat better than I do, so we’re back to normal dog poo. Personally I preferred it white & dry!

Posted on 06/05/2022 15:01

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