Christmas on a Campsite

RowenaBCAMC replied on 15/12/2023 09:50

Posted on 15/12/2023 09:50

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all looking forward to the upcoming holiday season! Is anyone going away in their caravan or motorhomes?

This year there may be a few members going away for the first time over Christmas so I thought who better to ask for advice than our experienced community members, many of whom may well have spent a festive period or two on a campsite.

If you've ever been away in your caravan or motorhome over Christmas, I'd love to hear about your experiences. Do you have any advice on:

Preparation: How did you prepare your caravan/motorhome for the winter weather? Any specific maintenance tips?

Decoration: How did you manage to bring the holiday spirit into a limited space? Are there any compact decorations you can recommend?

Cooking: What's your approach to cooking Christmas dinner in a small kitchen area? Any favourite recipes that work well in a caravan setting?

Activities: What kind of activities did you do while on site? Any local attractions or events worth visiting?

Any other tips or suggestions for someone embarking on their first Christmas caravanning or motorhoming experience would also be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to hearing your stories and advice!

Hja replied on 15/12/2023 10:28

Posted on 15/12/2023 10:28

One of the reasons why we don’t go away over Christmas is this insistence on good cheer and decorations. I wish to ignore Christmas but apparently can only do that by staying at home.

richardandros replied on 15/12/2023 15:28

Posted on 15/12/2023 15:28

We've been going away for Christmas for quite a few years now and thoroughly enjoy it. I don't think we've ever had freezing weather - but rain - yes - lots of it.  We learned the hard way that staying on a CL with only grass pitches was not appropriate at that time of year! We have therefore been going to Sandringham Club site for the last four years  or so - and it's magical.  The Wardens really enter into the spirit of things and if it stands still on the site - there are fairy lights attached to it!  Even their tractor and trailer are decorated as Santa's sleigh for the Christmas morning bin emptying sessionsmile We've even had an email from them this year inviting us to take part in their 'Best Decorated Pitch' competition.

In terms of decoration, as well as the usual lights, I have one of those 'Dreamchaser' light poles - which when compressed doesn't take up much space in the van and also an outside projector which illuminates the side of the van with moving festive images.

We cook as we would at home but we make sure we are taking the steamer with us for the veg - just needs a bit of organising and pre-planning to make best use of the space.  I think it's the one time an awning is absolutely essential since it effectively becomes a kitchen extension for unused pots and pans etc.

And - no - we don't bother going to try and get a glimpse of the Royals at church on Christmas day. Although ardent royalists, can't see any point standing there with two thousand others - well behind barriers - just to catch a glimpse when we can watch it later on the telly.

eurortraveller replied on 15/12/2023 19:42

Posted on 15/12/2023 19:42

Thank you Richardand Ros - you obviously enjoy Christmas there.  Could you please say a little more about what happens there as I can’t find reviews from people who have been there at that time of year.

Are there any sociable, communal, get together activities? A heated marquee perhaps with music and a pop up bar? And if something like a hog roast outside is not possible there might be a range of visiting food vans? Or big quantities of hot mulled wine for cold nights. A indoor quiz night might perhaps go well, or competitions,  or even games of some sort might be possible - though I suppose fireworks and a bonfire are too much to expect with dogs present on the site.

Or do members just sit in their own caravans for the 16 hours of darkness per night? Please tell us more. Is it fun?

replied on 16/12/2023 00:02

Posted on 16/12/2023 00:02

Content has been removed.

richardandros replied on 16/12/2023 06:20

Posted on 16/12/2023 06:20

ET - OK - I recognise your humorous comments! We had to cancel last year (because of health issues, I think), but we were last there in '21.  The Wardens laid on a get together on Christmas Eve, providing wine and nibbles and used the Reception area and outside (fortunately, it was dry). It was very well attended and it was just nice to chat with everyone else there. Nearly everyone had made an effort to decorate their vans and the site did look quite spectacular. 

It sort of set the atmosphere for the whole of the Christmas week and everyone around the site was very chatty and friendly - unlike some of our previous experiences on CAMC sites where perhaps the only time someone comes to speak is just as you're leaving and attempting to hitch up!

As far as other activities are concerned, I thought the Christmas Eve 'get together' was a very kind and generous gesture by the Wardens since they had clearly funded it themselves and gone to a lot of trouble to prepare the food - and it would be a bit unfair to expect them to do anything more.

young thomas replied on 16/12/2023 08:12

Posted on 16/12/2023 08:12

we do tour all year but like to have Christmas with the family...but we do like to be away with pals for New Year...

however, it is imperative we find somewhere with 'life' which means a town or city where there are things going without expecting anyone on site to sort something...

weve done Broadway (featured on tv last night), Bristol, Bath and recently, Henley on Thames which is a buzzing place with lots of hostelries and eating places, so much atmosphere.

then there is the site, which has a bar, a restaurant etc so always folk about.

give us weeks of sunshine somewhere and we're happy to spend some time on the pitch just relaxing and soaking up the weather but for Christmas or new year we like to be able to reach civilisation easily. 

Takethedogalong replied on 16/12/2023 11:38

Posted on 16/12/2023 11:38

We’ve never been away over actual Xmas period in an outfit, but we have in cottages.

We used to go to Castleton Club Site just before Xmas with friends years ago. You just have to be prepared for all sorts of weather, including snow, take good quality outdoor gear to keep you warm and dry, utilise whatever cooking facilities you need to give you the meals you like, no hard and fast rules as everyone is different. Castleton was a lovely visit because the village does great Xmas lights, there are a good choice of pubs/ cafes, the Caverns are usually open and run events, but best of all, you can do a lot of the fantastic walks with a lot less folks around. (If you are fit enough) Christmas Day is often the best day for getting out, walking, cycling, as the roads, etc…. are very quiet. When we had our horse, we used to borrow another and spend the day out on horseback just revelling in it being such a quiet day. 

We wouldn’t be bothered about on site communal events, loathe fireworks with or without an animal companion of any kind. Nice to share a long chin wag with friends inside a warm van, but we would probably be outside walking, cycling on Christmas Day if we got the chance. 


DavidKlyne replied on 16/12/2023 12:23

Posted on 16/12/2023 12:23

I have always fancied a walk along a beach on Christmas Day. Unfortunately Milton Keynes is probably one of the furthest places from the sea in the UK! Could go to Cromer where the beach is an easy walk from the site. Could even have a Christmas meal in the restaurant but not sure forced bonhomie with people you don't know is really our thing, might be different if you went with people you know? As we get older I suspect the draw of a comfy home with everything at hand overrides the enthusiasm for being out in the van? Clearly some people do enjoy having Christmas away in their van and if they do all power to them and I hope they all have a lovely time.


Tammygirl replied on 16/12/2023 12:25

Posted on 16/12/2023 12:25

Richard andros, you obviously enjoy what you do but it's not for us. What you described is our idea of hell. 

ET, the same can be said for your idea of quizzes etc. It's just not what we go away for. 

Tammygirl replied on 16/12/2023 12:35

Posted on 16/12/2023 12:35

To answer Ro, yes we have been away over the festivities but not Christmas day.

We have spent NY at the Stonehaven site and really enjoyed the Fireballs parade which takes place just before midnight.

Good lively attitude to the event. The town really put on a good show with fireworks at midnight then a party in the town centre afterwards.

Preparation of vehicle is to warm it up at home first and make sure all is working as it should. Make sure you have a spare heater just incase. Check out how to tour over winter in freezing conditions and you won't go wrong. 

We had a frozen filter on our water pump one year so be aware if the pump labours or no water appears out the taps. 

Take plenty of warm waterproof clothing and footwear, there is nothing worse than wet cold feet.

We would cook as normal if going away at Christmas but possibly take a few things prepared and frozen at home. 

Being on a campsite sounds a lot of fun for families and those who enjoy that kind of thing but it's not our thing, so we stay at home and do it our way. 

Time to go away once things all settle back down after the holidays. 

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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