Rated 4 of 5

Rated 4 of 5

Peace and quiet

Rated 3 of 5

Facilities and cleanliness

Rated 4 of 5


Rated 4 of 5

Good for families

What’s with the no lighting

I’m all for helping the environment but can I ask why there is no lighting on this site apart from at entrance and at the electric points. Anybody arriving after dark would have difficulty finding pitch numbers then filling up on water etc. For those of us who arrived in daylight, if you want to top up on water, take rubbish to bins or empty your Elsan after dark, then forget it. It’s pitch black you can’t see a thing. If you want to turn lights out to save power then I suggest doing this from 11pm till 7am. As it stands, the lights being out all the time, just make it very dangerous. You can’t use service points points after 4:30, that’s not convenient. I’m not very happy with my visit this time, some things need sorting.

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Tinwheeler replied on 05/01/2019 11:05

Posted on 05/01/2019 11:05

Sorry but as this is in site reviews you are very unlikely to get an answer to your question. 

Far better to have asked the wardens on site or, failing that, contact the club’s sites department. 

replied on 05/01/2019 11:12

Posted on 05/01/2019 11:12

I detest high levels of lighting on a site. Illuminate the toilet area but members have always had the option of using a torch. Why do folk suddenly need their hand holding? 

Tinwheeler replied on 05/01/2019 12:24

Posted on 05/01/2019 12:24

Hmm, how did we manage before lekky on sites was invented?

You can even get ‘hands free’ torches now which you wear on your head. Problem solved. 👍🏻

huskydog replied on 05/01/2019 12:38

Posted on 05/01/2019 12:24 by Tinwheeler

Hmm, how did we manage before lekky on sites was invented?

You can even get ‘hands free’ torches now which you wear on your head. Problem solved. 👍🏻

Posted on 05/01/2019 12:38

We used to walk about with candles in jam jars , but the wind would blow them out yell

moulesy replied on 05/01/2019 19:42

Posted on 05/01/2019 19:42

Buy yourself a rechargeable torch and use that leccy you've paid for to keep it charged up! wink

JVB66 replied on 05/01/2019 20:14

Posted on 05/01/2019 20:14

Head torches are a wonderful invention and solve a lot of "problems " if you need "help" 

the2alis replied on 07/01/2019 21:49

Posted on 05/01/2019 11:09 by huskydog

I use a device called a torch wink

Posted on 07/01/2019 21:49

Yeah & so do I as a dog owner but high prices deserve all facilities being available despite time of year. I think I’m only being fair in expecting high standards from the caravan club and ? We’re all entitled to an opinion but if you were attacked on a dark site would you all be saying where’s the problem!! Mmmm I think not & not everyone is expecting it to be dark when they arrive. Get real it’s 2019 not 1969!!!

replied on 07/01/2019 21:53

Posted on 07/01/2019 21:53

Well I do not consider high lighting levels away from facilities as a high standard any more than I relish radio 2 in the shower block. 

Tinwheeler replied on 07/01/2019 22:02

Posted on 07/01/2019 21:49 by the2alis

Yeah & so do I as a dog owner but high prices deserve all facilities being available despite time of year. I think I’m only being fair in expecting high standards from caravan club. 

Posted on 07/01/2019 22:02

I think you’re being far from fair but you’re entitled to your view even if it does differ from the seeming majority.