Membership Cards and Sites Directories

obbernockle replied on 29/10/2022 18:19

Posted on 29/10/2022 18:19

I have heard rumours but seen nothing in writing.

1. If we decide to remain members, will we continue to receive a plastic credit card style membership card, or will we be forced to download use a phone app?

2. Is the Sites Directory being republished as a paper book, or is this another obligatory phone app?

Cornersteady replied on 23/12/2022 10:54

Posted on 23/12/2022 10:21 by Takethedogalong

Our handbook came yesterday, and we are glad to have it, after I accidentally disposed of the last one. We like to lay the map out, look at an area and trace a route, then pick our stops. We will supplement with non Club options. I just need to go through it and mark up our favourite CLs, but sadly plenty of time on my hands at the moment, so no chore. I will put in phone numbers of a few ex CLs as well.

Posted on 23/12/2022 10:54

Yes I thought I was the only one who likes and uses maps like that. It reminds me of joke I heard sometime when a father asks their son to get the map out of the glove box and the son replies whoa there Indiana Jones, I'll just get it on google maps!

paulmold replied on 23/12/2022 11:34

Posted on 23/12/2022 11:34

New membership cards arrived yesterday.  On the accompanying letter it reminds me to register or renew with a club centre. It tells me I'm with Shropshire Centre and gives link address to renew which I did . I then thought I'd see what the Shropshire Centre offered (haven't been on a CAMC rally for years , lots of other club rallies but not CAMC) only to find the Shropshire Centre no longer exists.  I used to be registered with North Wales Centre but transferred to Shropshire when NW finished. Why was I asked to renew with a Centre that doesn't exist.? 

Takethedogalong replied on 23/12/2022 12:39

Posted on 23/12/2022 10:54 by Cornersteady

Yes I thought I was the only one who likes and uses maps like that. It reminds me of joke I heard sometime when a father asks their son to get the map out of the glove box and the son replies whoa there Indiana Jones, I'll just get it on google maps!

Posted on 23/12/2022 12:39

No, we love maps Corners, you are not alone. We don’t base a tour around sites (of any kind), we base our tours on things to do and places to see. So we get out an OS map, might even be a specialist one such as Roman Antiquities, or Ancient Britain, and we plan our routes, accordingly. We usually have at least three nights in the same place each week away, so we can go cycling, walking, or simply relaxing somewhere very quiet. Prefer CLs to do this. You can’t beat an OS map laid out for getting the “big” picture.

moulesy replied on 23/12/2022 13:18

Posted on 23/12/2022 13:18

People used to laugh at me when I said I sometimes read an OS map a bit like reading a book. But I still find it fascinating to imagine what a particular spot looks like based on the contours and notifications on an OS map and then compare it to the real thing when we arrive. These days, although I have a garmin GPS to take on walks I always have a paper map as well - can't be beaten if you ask me! smile

Metheven replied on 23/12/2022 13:24

Posted on 23/12/2022 13:24

We're both lovers of OS maps, although we have all the electronic devices to use as well.


peedee replied on 23/12/2022 14:10

Posted on 23/12/2022 13:24 by Metheven

We're both lovers of OS maps, although we have all the electronic devices to use as well.


Posted on 23/12/2022 14:10

They are all available digitally these days at a fraction of the price of the paper ones. I have road maps and the whole of the UK OS Landranger 1:50K maps and France IGN 1:100K and 1:250K maps on my tablet, with licences for my phone and desktop as well.

When travelling I do carry paper road maps as backup and for a better overview.


SteveL replied on 23/12/2022 14:20

Posted on 23/12/2022 14:10 by peedee

They are all available digitally these days at a fraction of the price of the paper ones. I have road maps and the whole of the UK OS Landranger 1:50K maps and France IGN 1:100K and 1:250K maps on my tablet, with licences for my phone and desktop as well.

When travelling I do carry paper road maps as backup and for a better overview.


Posted on 23/12/2022 14:20

The digital versions also have the advantage that they are updated for major revisions fairly quickly. So you don’t find a new Autoroute unexpectedly cutting off your footpath in the middle of a forest walk.😂

Takethedogalong replied on 23/12/2022 16:36

Posted on 23/12/2022 13:18 by moulesy

People used to laugh at me when I said I sometimes read an OS map a bit like reading a book. But I still find it fascinating to imagine what a particular spot looks like based on the contours and notifications on an OS map and then compare it to the real thing when we arrive. These days, although I have a garmin GPS to take on walks I always have a paper map as well - can't be beaten if you ask me! smile

Posted on 23/12/2022 16:36

When away, I can happily spend all evening poring over an OS map. They are one of this country’s greatest treasures, and have a background story all of their own waiting to be discovered. We will happily spend an afternoon trying to find all sorts of obscure things off the beaten track, either driving, walking or cycling to it, preferably for a picnic.

I am sure being a connoisseur of all things Cornish Moulesy, like us, you know just how valuable it can be to find one of those “beat the holiday traffic” local runs to get anywhere, and all those hidden coves and paths. We can spend a day on a beach in August down there and not see a soul except passing by on a boat. Magic👍

Yes we use the technology, but there’s just something special about a paper map.

Our collection is very much like yours Metheven👍

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