Ability to chose hardstanding pitches on all sites

AandJ replied on 08/09/2021 17:47

Posted on 08/09/2021 17:47

I want the club to look at giving members the option to chose hard standing or grass pitch on the sites where standard pitches can be either or. 
This season I have experienced problems on a few popular sites whereby I’ve booked a standard pitch with awning only to turn up (at a reasonable time 2-3pm) to find there are only grass pitches left. With a 4.5 tonne Motorhome this makes me Cringe. With all the rain we’ve had grass pitches have been really soft and twice we’ve had to get off using mud runners. 
I’ve also seen many other Motorhome sand larger caravans struggling to stop wheels sinking in or awning being like mud pools. There have been several reviews around on some of these sites were members have stated they’ve booked a std pitch with awning expecting hardstanding, as on sites that are all hardstanding, only to turn up to be told only grass left and these have been very wet and several not fit for purpose. 
The sites that I experienced problems with and heard from other members that have major issues are, Tewkesbury, Hurn Lane, Seacroft, Hill Head and Gowerton. There are probably others. 
I know some people like grass and that’s fine, but if that’s the case let them book them and let those of us who literally hate them cos they are not suitable for modern caravans or Motorhome chose hard standing. 
I don’t even mind paying a bit more for hard standing but I do object to paying the same for a poor quality, inferior, soggy under sized grass pitch ( lots of these at Tewkesbury and Hurn Lane ) . It should be personal choice so give us that choice and I think you might find there’s a drop in bookings at these sites, perhaps that’s why you don’t put in in the information options. 
Of course the best option would be to do away with soggy grass pitches and make them hard standing or at least increase the proportion of hard standing . So come on CAMC give us the option on all sites so that we’re all getting the same value for our money and not getting Stuck in the Mud which is we’re the club seems to be .

Cornersteady replied on 09/09/2021 15:23

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:07 by Navigateur

 Indeed!  So why are we expected to have to put our awnings on hard standing on some sites? It is just an odd shaped tent, after all.

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:23

Well apart from the fact that a tent is very different thing to an awning in my view, but sorry who is expecting you (and the rest of we) to put your awning on a HS, I'm certainly not, I've merely said they are popular, more so than grass.

But you can pitch on whatever surface you like. But if a site or provider doesn't have grass pitches one has to go where they are.

Some people like HS, others like grass, choose the site that gives you what you want.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 09/09/2021 15:26

Posted on 09/09/2021 13:10 by Cornersteady

the Club has received much criticism for creating 'car park' sites and the inevitable move to HS (more chippings) can't help but support this feeling

Really? Where is this much criticism and where has it been received though?

If you're talking about it being 'received' on CT then that is hardly much compared to all users of sites, perhaps a few posters saying so about the 'car park' (ten maybe - maybe less?) and of course as most club sites do have this pattern and there certainly much more criticism about sites being full/not getting pitch so many must like it as they keep on using it?

Again much criticism about the increase of HS? Where? On here there appears, even on this thread (only one fully against, one says its less attractive and one who want's to go barefoot - the last two hardly criticisms?) very little and most/rest in favor, and so much so the thread is about booking one? Has there ever been a thread about the difficulty of booking/getting a grass pitch? I can't recall one?

Where else have you seen this much criticism? On others forums? Again aS well  don't see that much? Complaints to head office? 


Posted on 09/09/2021 15:26

+1, I’m happy with hard standing & a little bit of grass for the old schoolers👍🏻 
Put me down as a yes for deposits too👍🏻

Navigateur replied on 09/09/2021 15:31

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:31

Some people like HS, others like grass, choose the site that gives you what you want.

But it is all about "Location, Location, Location" for myself, and possibly many others, not which of the many pitch types might happen to be vacant on arrival.

Cornersteady replied on 09/09/2021 15:37

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:31 by Navigateur

Some people like HS, others like grass, choose the site that gives you what you want.

But it is all about "Location, Location, Location" for myself, and possibly many others, not which of the many pitch types might happen to be vacant on arrival.

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:37

yes a fair point W and I understand as I like to use club sites almost exclusively, but it's often been posted that there are many alternatives to club sites and I can't think of many places that doesn't have a CL or CCC sites nearby?


JVB66 replied on 09/09/2021 15:39

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:26 by Rocky 2 buckets

+1, I’m happy with hard standing & a little bit of grass for the old schoolers👍🏻 
Put me down as a yes for deposits too👍🏻

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:39

Many folk it seems that would not be affected can say that cool

SteveL replied on 09/09/2021 15:44

Posted on 09/09/2021 14:09 by Cornersteady

so it would appear that even in CCC land, where one can book a pitch type, HS pitches go first?

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:44

Possibly only if your a 3.5 tonne or more MH, you have to put your outfit in before it gives you what is available.

Cornersteady replied on 09/09/2021 15:46

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:44 by SteveL

Possibly only if your a 3.5 tonne or more MH, you have to put your outfit in before it gives you what is available.

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:46

Ok thankssmile

Are LV and tent pitches the same, as in booking one? From what I can remember of a CCC site caravans and MHs were in one place while tents in another (apart from trailer tents)

Navigateur replied on 09/09/2021 15:49

Posted on 09/09/2021 15:49

There are indeed, which reminds me of a commercial site where a hardstanding with tap and drain was booked (to follow on from a National Rally) and the pitches turned out to be very short.  Tow hitch projecting into the road and could not practically go further back as ground dropped sharply at end of hard standing.

So as well as hard and soft pitches, EHU, tap, drain, private Elsan point, tree overhang or not, TV signal good, wifi good, mobile good, a fair booking system will have to include short or long pitch.  There must be other crireria that are of particular importance to some people.

That site was also memorable for having lights in the toilets controlled by a motion (no pun intended) sensor - which had a very short timeout resulting in users of cubicles being plunged into darkness should there not be anyone in the open area.  I did wonder to begin with why people went to the toilet block carrying unbrellas on a dry day.

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