Isn't this getting a bit boring now?

moulesy replied on 05/01/2023 19:43

Posted on 05/01/2023 19:43

As if yet another prime time weekend show fronted by Ant & Dic wasn't bad enough, I understand the highlight of ITV's weekend will be an interview with a rather whingey, highly privileged, publicity shy ginger haired guy? A guy who was so publicity averse that he emigrated with his family to keep them out of the public eye but now finds it convenient to plug his ghost written biography as a follow up to his self publicising 6 part revelatory series on a popular streaming  channel? Do we really need to know that his older brother had a bigger bedroom when they were boys, or pushed him over so that he got scratches on his back.

Think it's time to wish the guy and his family the very best of luck in their new life in the States, but, for goodness sake, please just leave us to get on with our lives at a difficult time for all those of us not lucky enough to have the same advantages! yell

Rant over! laughing

replied on 08/01/2023 20:26

Posted on 08/01/2023 20:26

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Takethedogalong replied on 08/01/2023 20:42

Posted on 08/01/2023 20:42

He’s doing what he does, saying what he says for money. Millions of pounds of money. He’s trading with the the people he has despised and hated for decades. A Faustian pact indeed, very sad for all those around him. 

replied on 08/01/2023 21:08

Posted on 08/01/2023 20:33 by Tinwheeler
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Posted on 08/01/2023 21:08

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Takethedogalong replied on 08/01/2023 21:27

Posted on 08/01/2023 21:27

He seems incredibly naive, not perhaps fully understanding the implications of that “25 kills” statement for his children, wife, other family members, wider military family in what are still very high levels of terrorism threats. It isn’t the first time it’s been mentioned about his active military service, but he has much greater personal responsibilities in his life now, and a lot of the focus on him stepping away from Royal duties has centred around his security. This is hardly going to help the situation.  

mickysf replied on 09/01/2023 07:53

Posted on 09/01/2023 07:53

Not only naive, but vulnerable and gullible all his life it seems maybe due to a flawed character caused by circumstance, privilege and the subordinate position forced upon him. However, at the heart of the tragedy is the greed and attitude of the press and the media who rub their hands in glee as seemingly countess willing folk show a morbid interest in the antics of the main protagonists in this story. They part with their money in order to gain the next tidbit of sordid gossip and so the saga goes on.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 09/01/2023 08:20

Posted on 08/01/2023 17:16 by davetommo

I didn’t know that soldiers kept a tally of the number of people they had killed

Posted on 09/01/2023 08:20

They don’t nor do they see taking life as something to boast about it’s their job, kill or be killed. In an odd way no matter who their adversary is they afford them respect regardless of whether it is reciprocated or not. It’s pure professionalism, the way they have been trained & their personal duty & discipline. The every day grunt is far away from a trophy boy who is allotted close order protection & tracking. Let’s not get into the fantasy of ‘he was one of the boys’🤷🏻‍♂️

Tammygirl replied on 09/01/2023 11:26

Posted on 09/01/2023 11:26

He was born into a privileged position, has lead a privileged life. 

The fact that he is smarting over not being the heir to the throne is beyond childish. So he was the spare get over it. Its not the case now, he has a beautiful wife and children. Plenty of money, most folk would give their eye teeth for such a life style. 

Born into the position he was he would have been coached all his younger days as to how things work in the firm. While he was young there wasn't much he could do about things he didn't like. He is supposedly a grown up now. If he objects so much about they way things are then walk away but do it with dignity and grace, do not lash out at at those you profess to love and want to have back in your life. What a strange way of making things different. He should know by now they will close ranks and shut him out.

I can over look some of the things his wife has said and done but not forget or forgive. She was not born to it, she did not take time to learn about what she was getting into unlike her SIL.

Surely some of the blame for that can be laid at his door, he knew what it would be like and yet did not take the time, as advised by his brother for her to learn about how it works.

Its strange but IMO she is lapping up all the attention while claiming to want to be private. They have caused all the media stir, if they had wanted to be truly private they could have been. One only has to look at some of the other royals, how they go quietly about their lives not seeking attention but getting on with the job. 


replied on 09/01/2023 11:36

Posted on 09/01/2023 11:36

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moulesy replied on 09/01/2023 11:41

Posted on 09/01/2023 11:41

"However, at the heart of the tragedy is the greed and attitude of the press and the media who rub their hands in glee as seemingly countess willing folk show a morbid interest in the antics of the main protagonists in this story."

Whilst I agree that the press and media have revelled in this nonsense, micky, it is more than noticeable how the pair of them are quite happy to use the press and media when it suits them whilst at the same time professing a wish for privacy. It's a situation entirely of their own making.

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