Isn't this getting a bit boring now?

moulesy replied on 05/01/2023 19:43

Posted on 05/01/2023 19:43

As if yet another prime time weekend show fronted by Ant & Dic wasn't bad enough, I understand the highlight of ITV's weekend will be an interview with a rather whingey, highly privileged, publicity shy ginger haired guy? A guy who was so publicity averse that he emigrated with his family to keep them out of the public eye but now finds it convenient to plug his ghost written biography as a follow up to his self publicising 6 part revelatory series on a popular streaming  channel? Do we really need to know that his older brother had a bigger bedroom when they were boys, or pushed him over so that he got scratches on his back.

Think it's time to wish the guy and his family the very best of luck in their new life in the States, but, for goodness sake, please just leave us to get on with our lives at a difficult time for all those of us not lucky enough to have the same advantages! yell

Rant over! laughing

Cornersteady replied on 07/01/2023 16:58

Posted on 06/01/2023 16:26 by Takethedogalong

I confess I am looking forward to HIGNFY 🤣🤣🤣

Posted on 07/01/2023 16:58

Funnily enough we just watched WILTY from last night and did Lee Mack once pose in a caravan brochure?

But back on topic when he does end up on that show - I flew Apache attack helicopters in a war but got so upset when my brother broke my necklace.

Also he tries to makes out the most normal thing into something horrible. I read on his first day at Eton William told him: "You don't know me Harold. And I don't know you"

This is perfectly normal!

If I had a pound for every time I saw siblings do this sort of thing or heard about it direct when asking how how their youngest was getting on, or seen siblings completely ignore each other in the corridors I'd certainly have enough for more than a few nights on a club site!

Takethedogalong replied on 07/01/2023 17:47

Posted on 07/01/2023 14:59 by

Even the prolific and experienced Peter Morgan could not pad out this farrago of nonsense into a decent drama.

Posted on 07/01/2023 17:47

I’ve never seen The Crown😁 Game of Moans would be a good episode title though.

Its not funny though, for anyone concerned, including anyone connected with Armed Forces. He’s allowing himself to be exploited, and certainly not getting any good advice. ☹️

DavidKlyne replied on 07/01/2023 20:48

Posted on 07/01/2023 20:48

Not something I get overly excited about. There is always sibling rivalry, didn't William the Conqueror have the same issue with his sons, at least hunting in the New Forest seems to have sorted that out! Here we have a youngster who tragically lost his mother in the glare of publicity  at a very formative age. This has clearly carried over into adulthood. He marries an American actor, it was never going to be easy to  fit in with the "Palace". Even if it had he would always be playing second fiddle to his older brother. Elements of the British press have been exceptionally down on them, as they probably were with his mother. All this current publicity will die down and lets face it he can really only write one book on the subject and then I imagine he will disappear into obscurity as people will soon lose interest, if they haven't already! It is important as we have a Constitutional Monarchy, if that is destroyed we just open another, far, far bigger, can of worms?



brue replied on 07/01/2023 22:28

Posted on 07/01/2023 22:28

For 17 million plus I'd be quite happy to tell the world about my sister breaking my treasured budgerigar ornament (although I'd  probably tell her first so we could share the windfall. ) PS I have got over it now so there is hope for Royals too...wink

Sadly there is a parental track record here of "tell all" books mixed in with living unusually separate lives without the normal sensitive family channels to sort problems out in private.

One day the person concerned will mature and change and hopefully all this will be "history."


DEBSC replied on 08/01/2023 11:07

Posted on 07/01/2023 22:28 by brue

For 17 million plus I'd be quite happy to tell the world about my sister breaking my treasured budgerigar ornament (although I'd  probably tell her first so we could share the windfall. ) PS I have got over it now so there is hope for Royals too...wink

Sadly there is a parental track record here of "tell all" books mixed in with living unusually separate lives without the normal sensitive family channels to sort problems out in private.

One day the person concerned will mature and change and hopefully all this will be "history."


Posted on 08/01/2023 11:07

Not sure that he will ever mature and change Brue, but we can live in hope. Undoubtedly they were both affected by their Mother’s untimely death and having to live through most of it in public. But sadly many youngsters loose parents when they are young, and they and their parents often then have financial struggles to deal with as well as a bereavement.

I think the rot started when they formed a plan together to work part time as royals and use social media to boost their income at the same time. How did they ever think this could happen. And they would still have been in the limelight that they say they didn’t want. When firmly given a refusal to this by the Royals the dummy was really spat out.

They said they wanted to be financially independent, (didn’t Charles help them a lot though) but that seems to mean that we all have to watch their life on Netflix or buy his book to support them. As you say sooner or later this will run out as people get even more bored, well let’s hope so anyway.

heddlo replied on 08/01/2023 16:18

Posted on 08/01/2023 16:18

Harry (apparently) inherited a £30 million legacy from his Mum.  How much does one need to live on!!!! 

replied on 08/01/2023 16:26

Posted on 08/01/2023 16:26

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moulesy replied on 08/01/2023 16:30

Posted on 08/01/2023 16:26 by

The biggest problem is that they are thriving on the oxygen of publicity and attention. If that dries up we will hear much less of them.  Even threads like this help feed the storm.

Posted on 08/01/2023 16:30

Not sure they are caravanners, DD, so it probably won't worry them too much! wink

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