What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

huskydog replied on 20/07/2019 06:51

Posted on 20/07/2019 06:51

It's been another difficult week in the Husky household , mum was doing well ,visited Wednesday and was sitting out chatting ,but the last two days she is like a changed person ,hallucinating and saying strange things ,were hopping it's just the drugs causing the problem 

then on a better note ,I've accepted an offer on the shop , couldn't have come at a better time as it looks as I might need all the time there is to look after mum. 

Still ,onwards and upwards cool

replied on 20/07/2019 08:13

Posted on 20/07/2019 08:13

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huskydog replied on 20/07/2019 08:41

Posted on 20/07/2019 08:13 by

Hope things improve for your mum soon but congratulations on your good news,as you say couldn't have come at a better time

Posted on 20/07/2019 08:41

Thanks ,its early days with the shop ,so I'm not counting my chickens yet !!

brue replied on 20/07/2019 09:01

Posted on 20/07/2019 09:01

Hope the offer for the shop continues on a smooth path Husky, we've been through a business sale for our retirement and I know how up and down it all goes.

When you wrote about your Mum I wondered if it's a urinary infection which can do this, my Mum had similar during one of her hospital stays, the staff were great in making it less scary for her. Anyway I hope the problem can be sorted soon.

Yesterday I was shopping for gluten free things too as my DIL is wheat intolerant. I forgot to look for some pasta as I bought the ordinary type for all of us so will have to make her something different. I bought some gluten free oat bread, hoping that's ok. She brings some things with her which is a great help otherwise I'm in a culinary tizz. wink

Hoping we get some more rain today as the promised rain has hardly dampened the ground, very warm still.

HelenandTrevor replied on 20/07/2019 09:21

Posted on 20/07/2019 09:21

Yippee,  it's the weekend smile

I have had a busy week at work catching up after a week away, so not had much time to do much else, so nothing really to post. Have looked in to keep up with what everyone has been up to though.smile

Great news on the offer for the shop Husky,  hope the sale goes smoothly.

Today Daffy the MG is off to the paint shop for its re spray, OH is hoping to take it to the classic car show at the GWSR at Toddington in September.  We had lots of rain yesterday, the garden looks much better, sun out today. 

We have seen our first hedgehog in the street for years, a neighbour said she had seen it in her garden and this week we found Hedgehog  poo in our garden.

Have a great weekend whatever you are up to smile



Takethedogalong replied on 20/07/2019 10:29

Posted on 20/07/2019 10:29

Fingers crossed for you HD. I’m like brue, sounds very like a UI that your Mum has got, very scary first time round as hallucinations are symptoms. Word of advice, push medics to do all tests they can and don’t be afraid to ask about Sepsis, get them to rule this out ASAP. Dad had it, and it was sorted, but took weeks to get him back on track. Very best wishes to you.

OH is planning work on our MG now H, finally have room in garage, and it will be our second car. Be good to use it more regular now. 

Wherenext replied on 20/07/2019 13:28

Posted on 20/07/2019 13:28

Best of luck with the sale HD. I must admit I had a much smoother ride when selling my 50% of the partnership although I had to relinquish a year to show the buyer the ropes and introduce him to my clients. Also best wishes for a full recovery for your mum. Roller coaster ride at the moment for you.

Managed to get half of what I wanted in town this morning. Fortunately the more important half. Whilst in the health food shop I got talking to a lovely older lady who was diagnosed with a complete intolerance to all grains not just certain ones. She had to change her diet to a Vegatarian one when she was 65. She said it took her ages to come to terms with it. 

There's always someone worse off than yourself. Poor lady is also being targeted by bank account thieves and she is having small amounts withdrawn. Her bank are being sympathetic and understand her regular spending patterns so are reimbursing her but admit that they don't know how the scammers are doing it.  The things people talk about with complete strangers in shops.

richardandros replied on 20/07/2019 15:13

Posted on 20/07/2019 15:13

Just finished loading the van and the car - ready to leave for High Breame CL at Flamborough, tomorrow. Looking forward to it since it's a year since we were last there - such is the popularity of the site!

Relishing the prospect of a week away with only just over 30 miles towing for the round trip - bit of a contrast to the 800 we did to Cornwall and back, last month!

Weather is looking great for next weekcool

JVB66 replied on 20/07/2019 15:48

Posted on 20/07/2019 06:51 by huskydog

It's been another difficult week in the Husky household , mum was doing well ,visited Wednesday and was sitting out chatting ,but the last two days she is like a changed person ,hallucinating and saying strange things ,were hopping it's just the drugs causing the problem 

then on a better note ,I've accepted an offer on the shop , couldn't have come at a better time as it looks as I might need all the time there is to look after mum. 

Still ,onwards and upwards cool

Posted on 20/07/2019 15:48

Husky ,OHs mum  (gone now)used to have bouts of what your mum is having and it was always a urine infection,caused by lack of care by staff not changing her pads (if your mum is in the same situation )just a thought

Good luck this time with shop sale

Tammygirl replied on 20/07/2019 16:32

Posted on 20/07/2019 16:32

Visit to Mum today as we are going away tomorrow. Fast asleep in the chair when we arrived laughing however her alarm bells for the tea trolley still work, as it came into the lounge her eyes flicked open laughing very quiet today and still a little short of breath, don't think that is going to change any time soon.

We are having a pottering day, van is ready to go away, just need to put a bit of food in, in the morning.

OH, pottering about in his shed, I think I will pop something in the slow cooker then go and clear up the mess I left in the back garden yesterday. Had to abandon it as the heavens opened, we've had enough now its someone else can have a turn. 

Husky, good news about your shop, hope it all goes through for you. Agree with others could be a UTI.

richardandros, have a good trip away.

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