What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

ADD46 replied on 19/07/2019 19:52

Posted on 19/07/2019 19:52

DSB thank you for sharing your photographs. It looks like a lovely day and one to be proud of for all of you.

Tammygirl - I'm going to have to stop reading your posts......they wear me out! πŸ˜€

We've been at work today. Now taken delivery of two family dogs to be in our care for the next week. (Their families are going on a cruise). So we're planning a staycation at home in the back garden with good weather. The gazebo is up and the dogs have brought their own little paddling pool with them in case it gets too hot next week. Looking forward to having them here and pottering in the garden with them. 🐢🐢

RedKite replied on 19/07/2019 20:04

Posted on 19/07/2019 20:04

WN can you use chestnut flour as we know it is used for gluten free products and it is available here.

Sounds like folk are having a good time all those on holidays and good photos DSB very proud parents.

Over did it yesterday taking down an old wooden shed so a bit slow today with sciatica and other aches, so a slower pace today and the heat is getting hotter next week upto 40/41C just hope we get the storm that is forecast for Saturday morning.

Local village do tomorrow night so will have to get ear defenders out as 5 bands will be playing at least until 1am why they have it so loud and we are nearly 3/4 mile from the village, last week we could hear the bass from another village do and that is 3 miles from from us not that we do not like music but some of it not our type of music, we will go up to the Sunday evening do as local food and not so much music.

Bakers2 replied on 19/07/2019 20:16

Posted on 19/07/2019 20:16

Lovely photos DSB, congratulations to your daughter and her proud parents.

ADD46 you're not the only one who feels tired after ready Tammygirls's posts, I need a lie down πŸ˜‚. Because others feel the same I now don't feel so inadequate, I think Tammygirl is the exception πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Enjoy your visiting dogs.

More of the moist stuff here again today, soft and gentle but at times fairly heavy - the buddleia leaves aren't wilting any more but I still have plant leaves looking very sad.

Enjoyed a trip out to Beeleigh Abbey gardens this morning managed about half the gardens before we had to shelter in the tea marquee, nice cakes πŸ˜‰. It stopped so we finished in the dry. (A 12 century abbey destroyed in the reformation just a very small part remains as a house, owned until recently by the Foyle family of bookshop fame.) I have never visited before as it has limited opening and work got in the way, it seems to always be a weekday, then when I remembered to check dates clashed with other diary events. Think well have to visit again in another season.

The moist stuff has continued on and off, its warm grey and dull, even had to put the lights on under the kitchen units whilst doing dinner 😱. Looks like more of the same tomorrow then hopefully some blue skies, not quite so sure about the predicted temperatures!

Safe journey's to those travelling. Enjoy yourselves whatever you're doing.

Wherenext replied on 19/07/2019 20:48

Posted on 19/07/2019 20:48

WN, what kind of flour is it your after?

The non gluten type Tammy. Supermarkets do supply some of my needs but only the basics. I've tended to find a mixture of flours is better is most circumstances which includes such things as Sorghum or Tapioca or Oat Flour or Potato Flour or Polenta etc. Tescos etc. are just not interested in these as they probably couldn't shift enough of them. Plus I also have to have access to Xantham Gum or Physllium Husks. and Gluten Free Baking Powder. Do yourself a favour and don't get an allergy or intolerance to wheat.

Thanks RK. Yes I have used it but I have to mail order it and it's frankly not worth the hassle. I find Sorghum to be a really good all rounder except for some lighter cakes.

I didn't get out of the house as just after putting my shoes on the heavens opened again. Tomorrow will do.

Oneputt replied on 19/07/2019 21:05

Posted on 19/07/2019 21:05

Great photos David.

Got van ready for our trip to Essex on Sunday.

Browsing the Acsi website for Southern France and flicking through one campsites photographs and presented with a picture of my brother, how weird is that.

Not a bad day but raining quite hard now

Bakers2 replied on 19/07/2019 21:27

Posted on 19/07/2019 21:27

Browsing the Acsi website for Southern France and flicking through one campsites photographs and presented with a picture of my brother, how weird is that.

bet you had to check the photo several times before being convinced πŸ˜‰

A warm welcome will await you in Essex - as well as the site! Enjoy and give our best wishes to Adrienne. Hope the hares and barn owl provide entertain without leaving your van.

Freddy55 replied on 19/07/2019 21:53

Posted on 19/07/2019 21:53

Coincidences are a funny thing. A good few years ago, we went to Trevornick, a campsite just south of Newquay. I went to the on-site shop to buy something and bumped into...my brother.

Wherenext replied on 19/07/2019 22:15

Posted on 19/07/2019 22:15

We were watching the Wales weather forecast a while back and a picture came up from a "weather watcher". It was Mrs WN! She had taken a picture of the gates at Chirk Castle as she liked the shadows they were casting. She took it on her phone and we have no idea how it ended up being used on BBC tv! She's not a "weather watcher". Not only did they have the photo but they printed her name. Quite a weird experience.

nelliethehooker replied on 19/07/2019 22:24

Posted on 19/07/2019 22:15 by Wherenext

We were watching the Wales weather forecast a while back and a picture came up from a "weather watcher". It was Mrs WN! She had taken a picture of the gates at Chirk Castle as she liked the shadows they were casting. She took it on her phone and we have no idea how it ended up being used on BBC tv! She's not a "weather watcher". Not only did they have the photo but they printed her name. Quite a weird experience.

Posted on 19/07/2019 22:24

Big Brother is watching you, or in this case, Mrs WN!!

Tammygirl replied on 19/07/2019 22:59

Posted on 19/07/2019 22:59

The non gluten type Tammy. Supermarkets do supply some of my needs but only the basics. I've tended to find a mixture of flours is better is most circumstances which includes such things as Sorghum or Tapioca or Oat Flour or Potato Flour or Polenta etc. Tescos etc. are just not interested in these as they probably couldn't shift enough of them. Plus I also have to have access to Xantham Gum or Physllium Husks. and Gluten Free Baking Powder. Do yourself a favour and don't get an allergy or intolerance to wheat.

When we lived in Germany many years ago, one of my friends suffered from celiac disease. I remember she used to get flour for making bread (and other things) from the medical centre on prescription.  The results, shall we say were not great. I would hope that nowadays its a bit better. My nephews youngest daughter is also gluten intolerant, I remember when she was a baby her being very poorly until the Dr's found out what was wrong. It has changed the way the whole family eat, they all seem to do well on their diet. I'm not a big bread or cake person but its one of those things, if you can't have something, you want it. frown

Hope you get what your are looking for.smile

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