What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Tammygirl replied on 13/11/2019 19:34

Posted on 12/11/2019 18:37 by Wherenext

I'm with you on that one TG. Brighton never did it for me either. Spent quite a few festive breaks there as a former girlfriend lived there before finding her Prince Charming (that was after me obviouslysmile). Never got along with the place.

We've only spent a 2 night break at the site. Am under instructions from the present Mrs WN to find a CL in future, preferably nowhere near Brighton! She doesn't get it either!

Sounds like you'll be heading south through France just as we head north unless you are catching the ferry to Spain.

Posted on 13/11/2019 19:34

Yes catching the Portsmouth to Bilbao one, hope we get a decent crossing.

We've only done it once before to Santander on the Pont Aven, that was ok.

Coming back through France though in June smile

Oneputt replied on 13/11/2019 19:49

Posted on 13/11/2019 18:56 by huskydog

Well ,it’s been about 3 weeks since I retired, and I’m getting the hang of it laughing, I’ve been sorting out the shed so I can spend a bit more time on my wood lathe ,and started to clear part of the garden and turn it in to a fruit and veg patch ,going to make some raised beds as the soil is a bit heavy and clay ,so I’m ordering in some top soil ,  my wife can grow the flowers .but having to share the greenhouse frown

Tomorrow my wife goes in to hospital to have her hip replacement operation, so I’ve got a few days of peace and quiet wink

Posted on 13/11/2019 19:49

Glad your getting used to retirement HD and best wishes for Mrs HD’s operation tomorrow


ABM replied on 13/11/2019 20:26

Posted on 13/11/2019 20:26

Glad to see you're settling into this " Retirement " caper, HD, so now  I'll have to stop calling you PUP I suppose wink.

Best wishes for your Good Lady tomorrow, But I have to ask, assuming all goes reasonably well, how long will it be before she's back supervising again ??undecided And wipe your boots before you come in  !!

nelliethehooker replied on 13/11/2019 20:36

Posted on 13/11/2019 19:49 by Oneputt

Glad your getting used to retirement HD and best wishes for Mrs HD’s operation tomorrow


Posted on 13/11/2019 20:36

And the same from me too HD. I'm sure Mrs HD has left you plenty of jobs to do while she "rests up". wink

nelliethehooker replied on 13/11/2019 20:45

Posted on 13/11/2019 20:45

Woke to freezing fog off the lake. Got away before it had cleared but soon drove out of it. Home by 9:45 and van cleared out and washing on before 11:00. Still can't get away from the rain though as we've had an odd short shower throughout the day.

We don't like visiting large cities so we avoid them like the plague, although we do like the smaller ones such as York. Much prefer being out in the country.

DavidKlyne replied on 13/11/2019 20:58

Posted on 13/11/2019 20:58

Tomorrow my wife goes in to hospital to have her hip replacement operation, so I’ve got a few days of peace and quiet.


Best wishes to her. It can be a life changing operation, it was for me. Hopefully she will notice an immediate difference, especially in pain levels. To make the best of it you have to encourage her to do all the physio. It will be slow at first. The worse part of it for me was having to sleep on my back for six weeks!! I never sleep on my back!


huskydog replied on 13/11/2019 21:36

Posted on 13/11/2019 20:58 by DavidKlyne

Tomorrow my wife goes in to hospital to have her hip replacement operation, so I’ve got a few days of peace and quiet.


Best wishes to her. It can be a life changing operation, it was for me. Hopefully she will notice an immediate difference, especially in pain levels. To make the best of it you have to encourage her to do all the physio. It will be slow at first. The worse part of it for me was having to sleep on my back for six weeks!! I never sleep on my back!


Posted on 13/11/2019 21:36

Thanks all

it was 2 years ago that she had the other hip done and was back to normal in no time, so she hopes that his one goes straight forward , then she is waiting for the date for her shoulder replacement operation, we spend quite a bit of time at hospitals surprised

Bakers2 replied on 14/11/2019 08:13

Posted on 14/11/2019 08:13

Husky glad you're making the most of your retirement hours, it sounds as if you'll be very productive 🥦🥒🌽🍅🍎🍐🥕🥔. It's nice to hear that you'll be sharing the greenhouse 😉😉 just remember to play nicely!

Hope all goes well for Mrs huskydog today and you stay focused on the tasks in hand.

It started raining last evening and continues very softly at the mo. We've had 4 dry days on the trot despite forecasters saying rain, we've been so lucky, my heart goes out to all those affected by the rain.

Must get moving several things to achieve before appointment, then home and visitors. Enjoy your day folks

JVB66 replied on 14/11/2019 14:24

Posted on 14/11/2019 14:24

What a very wet morningsurprised several pitches now under several inches of water and have seen two so far moving to drier pitches  we have a "moat round our  pitch but no water on the pitchsmile,out with Rosa the footpaths in several areas of the park also under several inches of water, and the "beck"near the railway is a full blown fast moving deep river and "rapids"

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