What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Oneputt replied on 19/11/2019 20:12

Posted on 19/11/2019 20:12

Hope your all recovering Millie after your RTA.

Hope the results of your test are ok WN and JVB

After hard frost and lovely day here, sun and blue sky’s in East Norfolk. Took brother shopping and then returned home to site.  Had a walk to the beach, counted over 20 turnstones.  Sorted out the log store in preparation for this coming winter ❄️☃️🌬💨🌊

Francis replied on 19/11/2019 20:14

Posted on 19/11/2019 20:14

Helen The Peak District is an area we have never been to before but it sounds very good we may put that on our list for next year a site close to a town sounds good to do we can sample the local pubs 

Bakers2 replied on 19/11/2019 20:19

Posted on 19/11/2019 20:19

Milliehull if you missed something so did I- come on takethedogalong put us out of our misery 😂.

DavidKlyne that sounds like a nasty accident I hope your son recovers quickly and takes proper care of himself by resting we only have one body to use!

Milliehull I hope you granddaughter is getting her equilibrium back. Everyone seems in such a hurry these days! 

Wherenext good wishes for your scan, glad you got some 'nature' good for the mind and body.

Collected grand dog yesterday, lovely drive in the sunshine through Saffron Walden and onto Cambourne where son works. Took the scenic route as I wanted to check out a jumper in Crew Clothing - the only place in the county with a store. Colour very true to webpage and sizing spot on so I could have ordered online, but I would have missed out on a lovely shopping experience with their 2 lady staff. Saffron Walden is a beautiful old town, wealth came from growing saffron 😉, several years since I 'explored'  must get back to check out again on a warmer day with no time constraints! Quick sandwich lunch in the car with son who's suffering with a cold 😢. Called in on mum on the way home so plenty achieved.

HelenandTrevor good to hear from you, your break sounds great.

Tammygirl glad you're enjoying the area, plenty to occupy you in East Anglia and around - generally a drier area 😉

Good to read other's news - my brain can't hold all the info to comment on posts 😉😂 and you cant check back whilst posting - as I have learnt to my cost before 😢😤

Edit we too woke to a very heavy frost. Our hedgehogs are still about and eating well. Often having a warm in one of our houses 😂. Granddog enjoying following their walkabouts in the garden. 

JVB66 replied on 19/11/2019 20:30

Posted on 19/11/2019 20:30

Just been into our bedroom (much colder than vanfrown) and wondered why the light coming in from the street lights was different ,the whole street has been converted to LEDssurprised

DavidKlyne replied on 19/11/2019 20:54

Posted on 19/11/2019 20:54

Thanks for the kind thoughts expressed about Paul's accident. He stayed with us today as Marisa had to go to London. He is still in a lot of pain understandably so and is taking a bucket load of pain killers. His appetite seems quite good which I suppose is a good sign. He is finding it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in but Margaret has one of those upside down V shaped pillows which she gave him and that helped. Early days yet but he seemed a bit brighter after a sleep and a meal tonight. 


ABM replied on 19/11/2019 21:07

Posted on 19/11/2019 21:07

Had a typical 'Tuesday ' morning visit to Aged Sister.Dropped off the mags from the w/end papers ( Better in her bin than mine  wink ) but she was making error after error in her knitting and she's got a whole ear and a half on her mobile & landline phones.  All because her g/daughter over in Cambourne is now four days over due.  Really don't understand this great interest in such dates -- why would 'he' want to be out here in the cold and being disturbed by every second passerby undecided??

Still managed to get myself into M & S for a ready meal or three, so now I'm all set up for a few days cowering indoors from the cold and frosty mornings.  And what happens  ??  The met office says its going to warm up  Just can't trust ANYBODY these days grrrrrrrrr.yell


ABM replied on 19/11/2019 21:18

Posted on 19/11/2019 21:18

Seriously though,

Hope all involved in accidents  are getting over the physical human damage suffered - aches and pains can take a while to surface even if medicines are taken.  Trust the vehicular damage gets the full blessing of the relevant policies without quibbling. 

Me  ?  I've spent a load of time back on those old slides --  ##  With one eye on the screen and the other on the tele  ##


As you might have noticed the old sense of humour's still working  smile

huskydog replied on 19/11/2019 21:29

Posted on 19/11/2019 21:29

My wife is now out of hospital,and I’m multitasking wink ,yes dear , I’m doing it surprised

Oneputt replied on 19/11/2019 21:41

Posted on 19/11/2019 21:41

Good news HD that Mrs HD is out of hospital. Hope all progress well for you both.

ABM replied on 19/11/2019 21:44

Posted on 19/11/2019 21:44

Glad to hear that HD, at least 'visiting hours' won't stop you getting them there chores done wink

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