What have you seen

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:48

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:48

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread.  Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday.  Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers

replied on 04/04/2020 08:07

Posted on 04/04/2020 08:07

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SteveL replied on 04/04/2020 08:32

Posted on 04/04/2020 08:32

Woodpeckers were on full hammer action during our exercise period in Sherwood Forest yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately despite hearing them, in all the years we've lived here have only caught fleeting glimpses a couple of times.

Wherenext replied on 04/04/2020 19:49

Posted on 04/04/2020 19:49

We are lucky Steve. They visit us, both male and female, multiple times a day to attack the fat balls. The smaller birds love it as the GSWs make a real mess and loads end up on the floor.

Whilst outside on the drive today I saw 2 Buzzards, the male performing his courtship swooping romance dive for the female. She seemed impressed as they both glided off together.

Oneputt replied on 04/04/2020 20:14

Posted on 04/04/2020 20:14

Good couple of days birdwatching from the garden.  Yesterday’s highlight was a white tailed eagle flying along the coast and then heading North West.  Very rare visitor in our neck of the woods.  
Today a Western Osprey flew over the house heading North.  This evening a pair of long tailed tits were dancing around the garden, don’t know if they are looking for a nest site.

Not all good news though we used to have a flock of about 25 Starlings visit the garden daily all year round.  In the last couple of weeks I have only seen one, no idea why though

brue replied on 04/04/2020 20:17

Posted on 04/04/2020 20:17

Going to try and see the ISS flying over around 8.50pm tonight. Missed it last night due to cloudy skies. I think that's the last opportunity for a while.

The skies were so clear today we could see the sort of clouds that are normally lost due to vapour trails spreading out. Reminded me of when we were young and could really see the different clouds!

Pliers replied on 04/04/2020 20:21

Posted on 04/04/2020 20:21

A flock of about 100 golden plover over our local moors this morning, good to see them back on their breeding grounds.

Only a short stroll from home, so I am allowed there for my daily ration of outdoor exercise!


Wherenext replied on 05/04/2020 14:50

Posted on 05/04/2020 14:50

An unusual and delightful sighting today of 2 Lapwings over a farmers field, fighting off the local Seagull population. I fear their endeavours will be for nought as the farmers were in on the return journey furrowing the fields. Not very often we see Lapwings in this part of the world.

Wherenext replied on 07/04/2020 20:55

Posted on 07/04/2020 20:55

Just seen our first bat of the year. Not sure I'm well disposed towards Bats at the moment though.undecided

Pliers replied on 08/04/2020 17:01

Posted on 08/04/2020 17:01

Heard willow warblers singing this morning, 1st this year. Also lots of snipe displaying over the moors. Lovely sunny day, nice escape from reality!


RedKite replied on 08/04/2020 17:47

Posted on 08/04/2020 17:47

WN we have pipistrelle bats here flying around the house the ither evening whilst watching the ISS go over and 1 bat managed to get one of our lights to come on with a sensor on it.

We have heard the Cuckoo the last two days but not in full song yet sounds like she has hiccups!

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