What have you seen

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:48

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:48

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread.  Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday.  Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers

replied on 07/06/2020 14:55

Posted on 07/06/2020 14:00 by Wherenext

We're a lot like yourselves InaD. We usually miss most of Spring and breeding for local birds but it's been one of the enjoyable aspects of this whole nightmare. Feel quite protective towards our little fledglings.smile

Posted on 07/06/2020 14:55

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InaD replied on 07/06/2020 17:44

Posted on 07/06/2020 14:55 by

I have been in the same position being here to see fledglings fed on the bird table but we had a less welcome visitor yesterday when a large rat was eating the over spill

I drove it off a few times but after a sharp slam of the window caused it to jump about a foot in the air it ran away and hasn't come back yet. Not confident we have seen the back of it but if we haven't the birds may have to start looking elsewhere.

Posted on 07/06/2020 17:44

That's what happened with our neighbours, and they got rid of their feeders.  That was last year.  Touch wood, up to now neither ourselves, nor the neighbours on our other side, have seen any unwelcome visitors.

Wherenext replied on 07/06/2020 19:16

Posted on 07/06/2020 19:16

I had to buy a rat cage to catch the b****er. Did the job. Touch wood, not seen any since. I think the residents Sparrows might gang up on a new one.smile

cyberyacht replied on 08/06/2020 14:23

Posted on 08/06/2020 14:23

Spotted a coots nest with a chick in it on my constitutional yesterday. Got up bright and early this morning and trundled off with camera and tripod only to find the circus had left town.

SteveL replied on 10/06/2020 09:52

Posted on 10/06/2020 09:52

I don't know what is going on at the moment. Birds are absolutely flocking to our feeders. We usually get plenty in number and variety but just lately  it has got slightly out of hand. This morning there was a right dust up between a large group of starlings, wood pigeons and a crow, with other smaller birds taking advantage and nipping inbetween. Perhaps others around have stopped feeding and normally of course we are away at this time of the year. However, if we continue to put fat balls out at the rate they are currently being consumed, it will cost £160 a year in those alone.😂

InaD replied on 10/06/2020 17:42

Posted on 10/06/2020 17:42

It's the same here, SteveL, although we only get a couple of starlings and a couple of wood pigeons.  We do have battles with the squirrels though!

But we get so many finches (gold, bull and green) and tits (blue, great and coal) all with their fledglings; also a woodpecker family now, and their fledglings come on their own now, several times a day.  We also get nuthatches, robins, blackbirds and collar doves.  Whereas we used to see a sort of pattern when feeding, where birds used to come at certain times, then none came for a few hours, they are there all the time, there's hardly a minute goes by when there aren't at least 2 birds.

We've had 30kg of sunflower hearts delivered a week ago and have 36 suet cakes on order as we speak!  Peanuts don't appear to be quite as popular, and aren't going down as fast.  Yes, it adds up cost-wise, around £60 for that little lot,  but we're usually away at this time too, and compared to the cost of that, I think it's a relatively small price to pay for the pleasure we get out of it.

SteveL replied on 10/06/2020 22:23

Posted on 10/06/2020 22:23

too, and compared to the cost of that, I think it's a relatively small price to pay for the pleasure we get out of it.

Totally agree. For the enjoyment of watching them alone, it is well worth it.

redface replied on 10/06/2020 22:41

Posted on 10/06/2020 22:41

Was watching the sunset through the patio windows and along came a fox with her puppy. They actually stood, looking in at us, as if to say 'well- where's the food then?'

brue replied on 14/06/2020 15:09

Posted on 14/06/2020 15:09

We're awash with fledglings just now, more bluetits, great tits, sparrows etc than we or their parents can keep up with. Just one young Robin on view and no young woodpeckers just yet. It has been worth putting food out even though we put up with a well fed squirrel regularly decimating the feeders. At night the fox eats scraps and the badger tunnels another way through, nothing deters him but we have to refill the gaps every morning to stop our dog making an easy exit! With all the troubles of Covid this year the wildlife has been a great solace. 🦊🐝🐿

nelliethehooker replied on 14/06/2020 20:25

Posted on 14/06/2020 20:25

We've no fledgling in our garden apart from Starlings, who make short work of the fat balls. However I've seen lots of different species on our travels over the last week, Sedge and Willow Warblers, Chiff Chaff, Blackcap, Eider Ducks, Sand and House Martin's, Swifts, a Little Tern, Lapwings and what looked like a piebald Starling, as well as the odd seal.

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