What have you seen

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:48

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:48

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread.  Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday.  Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers

InaD replied on 15/06/2020 18:18

Posted on 15/06/2020 18:18

OH made a hedgehog food station a couple of weeks ago.  It's quite posh, made from left over wall cladding from when we had our bathroom done, so perfectly water-proof!

The food disappears every night, but we hadn't actually seen a hedgehog since putting this out, although we did see them regularly before that.  But last night, when he went to put the food inside, there was a big hedgehog inside it, waiting for its food!  When he went back 10 minutes later, he could hear lots of munching sounds from inside.

Agree with brue, the pleasure we've had from watching the birds has compensated to an extent for the lockdown.  Normally we wouldn't have seen as much of it.

nelliethehooker replied on 15/06/2020 19:22

Posted on 15/06/2020 19:22

We went walking in Grizedale Forest today and spotted this butterfly, which I think is a Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary.

Bakers2 replied on 15/06/2020 20:54

Posted on 15/06/2020 20:54

We too are loving the wildlife in our garden, we managed to last year too! 

Loads of fledglings, sparrows, tits blue, coal, great and long tailed as well as Robin's, starlings, blackbirds, dunnets, wren, gold finches, thrush magpie and crow! Whatever I put out, with the exception of peanuts disappear. But I love it. Magpie helps itself to my food but still steals from nests. Not seen the sparrowhawk this year so far. 

We have hedgehogs, and a hedgehog house, a few weeks ago we definitely had 5 different ones, but since the puppy arrived and found she could get into the house and eat their food!!........ I've moved the hedgehog house to ensure the puppy can't get to it but I can add dry food - no mean task! But they've not eaten or used the house but definitely wander around the garden leaving their calling cards. Maybe when they'll return, they always came when granddog is staying, just got to readjust. They are still in residence under our shed.

Goldie lovely otter footage.

One thing that lockdown has proved to me is that nature will carry on regardless. Let's hope that this will always be the case...........


replied on 16/06/2020 07:25

Posted on 16/06/2020 07:25

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brue replied on 16/06/2020 11:55

Posted on 16/06/2020 11:55

We're usually away at this time of the year and have kept saying we don't get frogs in our pond. Of course now we're at home they are croaking away and there are still some tadpoles, mixed in with the fish who seem to have left some. I'm guessing we just don't notice half the things going on when we're out and about. The badger moves heaven and earth to get into the garden every night, we had to dog proof the garden for our tiny new dog and the badger still gets in so every morning OH has to check for dog escape routes. The fox is more nimble and can climb over things. No hedgehogs spotted and I can usually hear them at night. Will put the tracker camera out again to see what's happening.

brue replied on 16/06/2020 11:58

Posted on 16/06/2020 11:58

Just tried liking the previous posts, it was a bit "three likes and you're out" server error! Anyway I've enjoyed reading them all. smile

Wherenext replied on 16/06/2020 20:59

Posted on 15/06/2020 19:22 by nelliethehooker

We went walking in Grizedale Forest today and spotted this butterfly, which I think is a Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary.

Posted on 16/06/2020 20:59

Only just been able to get into this thread after a couple of days. 

You're right Nellie. Nice spot.

Bakers2 replied on 17/06/2020 19:30

Posted on 17/06/2020 19:30

This eyed hawk moth has spend the day hiding on our green fence. I snapped the photo without zooming in and then sugar daddy arrived for puppy date so didn't check it again!

Looked in our butterfly moth identify books reckoned it wasn't there! My friendctried too, so maybe were both dense? Did an online search and found it, checked it with our 2 books yes it was there in both but illustrated far more colourfully. 

ABM replied on 17/06/2020 21:15

Posted on 17/06/2020 21:15

B2, with respect to Bird Peanuts --  I put the nuts, not the birds, through a small kitchen grinder / shredder, so that they come out about 1/6 th or less sized.  Never had a failure with those in a steel mesh feeder over a layer of full sized nuts to stop too many dropping on the floor when it's feeding time  !!

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