What have you seen

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:48

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:48

I can't see the original sticky so will start a new thread.  Saw nearly 30,000 knot on Breydon Water yesterday.  Great weekend at Minsmere, Otter, Kingfishers, Bitterns, lots of Marsh Harriers

Wherenext replied on 25/03/2022 19:30

Posted on 25/03/2022 19:30

Sat sitting looking at the sea whilst having lunch near Colwyn Bay when we saw 5 Common Scoters quite close to the shore. A flurry of Sanderlings as well, scurrying along the edge of the beach.

nelliethehooker replied on 25/03/2022 20:55

Posted on 25/03/2022 20:55

During our walk yesterday up in Lennoxtown Forest we saw the most frogs and frogspawn that we have ever seen, in the small ditch pools along by the fire road. It was the loud croaking of the frogs that first brought them to our attention.

RedKite replied on 26/03/2022 16:22

Posted on 26/03/2022 16:22

The Blackcaps have arrived and singing away lovely to hear  and the Tree Frog has been calling all this week hope he finds a mate soon a very strange noise he makes, the local frogs have arrived in the next field so a lot of croaking going on it is very overgrown small plot  and we thinks there must be a well or water area as he frogs come every year.

Pliers replied on 28/03/2022 18:04

Posted on 28/03/2022 18:04

Brilliant week on Anglesey. Highlights include 2 black redstarts, lots of wheatear, Med gulls in beautiful summer plumage, chiffchaffs and blackcaps (heard, not seen). And fantastic weather 🙂

Wherenext replied on 29/03/2022 18:18

Posted on 29/03/2022 18:18

We hope to get to Angelsey next month Pliers.😀

2 weeks ago we were woken up whilst staying on Wirral C.P site by the calls of Curlew on the Dee Marshes. This morning up at Settle we were woken by that same warbling sound of the Curlew. In fact one has just flown by the window, calling away. Fantastic. Also seen a Swallow.

mickysf replied on 29/03/2022 19:32

Posted on 29/03/2022 19:32

Lots of chiffchaffs calling but no swallows seen yet. Usually would have seen sand martins at least a couple of weeks back but so far non! I’m sure they are about mind! 

ADP1963 replied on 30/03/2022 09:42

Posted on 30/03/2022 09:42

Have not seen any Swallows yet in Herefordshire, but there doesn't appear much insect life either, so maybe a good thing. I did notice the Fieldfares and Redwings seemed late leaving the Orchards this year also and yet it hasn't been what I thought a hard winter.

nelliethehooker replied on 30/03/2022 21:37

Posted on 30/03/2022 21:37

Fieldfares still about in Central Scotland last week.

Enjoyed watching a Treecreeper searching for food on an adjacent Silver Birch from the caravan window while we were have breakfast this morning.

redface replied on 30/03/2022 21:59

Posted on 30/03/2022 21:59

At a more domestic level, it is nice to see  a parent Robin on the clothes line keeping cave for his/her 2 youngsters on the lawn whilst they forage.

RedKite replied on 02/04/2022 11:53

Posted on 02/04/2022 11:53

A pleasant surprise this morning a pair of linnets trying to get to the window feeder he looked very dapper in breeding plumage. And winter is back with a covering of light snow so the birds are busy feeding and looking to say what is this white stuff and we have started to build nests.

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