Garden Snap Shots!

Takethedogalong replied on 21/02/2021 11:29

Posted on 21/02/2021 11:29

What’s coming up, into bloom, not behaving, visiting, living in, passing through? Post a photo or two, and share your garden year with others 😁

Hellebores, lovely bright crocus, and snowdrops.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 28/07/2021 08:49

Posted on 27/07/2021 17:33 by brue

Didn't know they had a second flush Hostahousey, ours is new and hasn't grown much this year. I think we should have bought a much bigger plant!

Posted on 28/07/2021 08:49

Best advice I was ever given is-‘shop for Wisteria in may Or June’, don’t let anyone tell you they will flower unless you see it, also check they’re grafted if not they can take 20yrs to establish🙁

brue replied on 21/08/2021 11:30

Posted on 21/08/2021 11:30

On our travels this week, a visit to Arlington Court, a lovely Devon estate, Covid has done the NT a favour and they have left the grass to grow with mown paths to enjoy. Nice old Tulip tree close to the house. The walled gardens were looking good, easy to miss the little door into the second garden. The Ginger Lilies had a good scent.

(Back home our Wisteria has taken off! Thanks for advice!)

brue replied on 09/09/2021 12:51

Posted on 09/09/2021 12:51

Some Autumn Brights! 🍁

I bought the dahlia recently, hope I can get it through the winter. This year they'll be dug up, I lost the previous ones leaving them in the ground. 🌱

hostahousey replied on 10/09/2021 09:11

Posted on 10/09/2021 09:11

The rust coloured ones look like Heleniums Brue ?

brue replied on 10/09/2021 14:05

Posted on 10/09/2021 14:05

Yes HH they are, one big group of mixed colours. I'm going to divide them up next time around. 


Takethedogalong replied on 10/10/2021 10:36

Posted on 10/10/2021 10:36

Some lovely shots since I last posted😁 I love this time of year, spider’s webs covered in dew, the gorgeous rusts and gold as leaves start to turn, fungi springing up everywhere, some last flurries of roses, and the Autumn bulbs. I planted some Nerine around 15 years ago. One has finally flowered this year😂

Takethedogalong replied on 10/10/2021 10:54

Posted on 10/10/2021 10:54

Morning photos.... Bishop Dahlias, York and Oxford, with Cosmos. My one and only Nerine😂. Fungi that has sprung up overnight on barked area. An unnamed rose....

brue replied on 10/10/2021 12:32

Posted on 10/10/2021 12:32

That's strange TDA, we too only have one Nerrine in flower and we don't even know how it got there! It really is Autumn now, the last of the garden flowers on show. Veg are growing for the winter, having survived pigeons and caterpillars! 

hostahousey replied on 12/10/2021 10:12

Posted on 12/10/2021 10:12

The Savia Amisrad is still producing lots of flowers

hostahousey replied on 20/10/2021 10:35

Posted on 20/10/2021 10:35

Some Autumn colour from cuttings taken about 3 yrs back, and Hot Lips and Amstrad Salvia cuttings, can't believe how quick these have come on .

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