Life on the road

replied on 22/11/2020 08:34

Posted on 22/11/2020 08:34

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replied on 22/11/2020 14:25

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:16 by Rufs

I didnt say anything about doubting the honesty of the article , what i said was

"Is it all for real or was some of it just a very nice story ???? "

and as alluded to by others, this is not the first time the Beeb has run such stories, and there are quite a few on You Tube, and as i said

"But good luck to them if "this is living the dream"

Maybe it is all true, or was it made to look like "living the dream" by the BBC , maybe they used it as a tool to market the books they obviously produce in great quantities?. undecided

Did you not cast some doubt as to what they were doing was possible

"They must be doing a lot of wild camping, even if allowed most sites will be too expensive for 5"


Posted on 22/11/2020 14:25

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Rufs replied on 22/11/2020 14:42

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:25 by

Not doubt at all. Simply an observation that traveling with 5 dogs would in most places be an expensive proposition, certainly at all the sites I use where dogs charges vary from €3 to €7 and few will accept that number.

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:42

agreed, but nice as the story is, it doesnt reflect that this couple are all over the web e.g. amazon, You Tube, Twitter, promoting many books that they have written some about their travels some look to be fictional, so as i said they dont look to be without a bob or two, but if they can do all this and live in a rather small MH, good luck to them, oh! and they do seem to conveniently have friends in France who had a suitable house for them to live in for most of the corvid crises earlier in the year.

JVB66 replied on 22/11/2020 15:17

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:42 by Rufs

agreed, but nice as the story is, it doesnt reflect that this couple are all over the web e.g. amazon, You Tube, Twitter, promoting many books that they have written some about their travels some look to be fictional, so as i said they dont look to be without a bob or two, but if they can do all this and live in a rather small MH, good luck to them, oh! and they do seem to conveniently have friends in France who had a suitable house for them to live in for most of the corvid crises earlier in the year.

Posted on 22/11/2020 15:17

Autocruise motor caravans were well made ( good quality great cutomer service worth more than priced at)cool)until Swift bought them out of administration frown

moulesy replied on 22/11/2020 15:22

Posted on 22/11/2020 14:25 by

Not doubt at all. Simply an observation that traveling with 5 dogs would in most places be an expensive proposition, certainly at all the sites I use where dogs charges vary from €3 to €7 and few will accept that number.

Posted on 22/11/2020 15:22

Maybe the sites are giving them special dispensation in return for a bit of free publicity? wink

It certainly looks idyllic for them but personally I dislike the rather glib expression "living the dream" - living a dream possibly,  living their dream undoubtedly, but for most of us there are more down to earth commitments which make such a lifestyle impractical.

But as others have said,  good luck to them in what they're doing. smile

Rufs replied on 22/11/2020 15:44

Posted on 22/11/2020 15:17 by JVB66

Autocruise motor caravans were well made ( good quality great cutomer service worth more than priced at)cool)until Swift bought them out of administration frown

Posted on 22/11/2020 15:44

but they will have a weight restriction, 5 dogs, 2 bikes, 2 people, and judging by the fact that they are an enterprising couple writing many books, no doubt lap tops etc, plus all their wordly posessions ?


eurortraveller replied on 22/11/2020 16:03

Posted on 22/11/2020 16:03

Lucky people ? Not really.

When I was their age I had children aged 2, 8, 10 and 12 - all at school plus ferrying them to cubs, swimming lessons, football practice, sleepovers, birthday parties, and so on. No regrets at all. Life was good. 

Would I wish I had  lived in a van with a lot of dogs? Not in the least 


replied on 22/11/2020 16:21

Posted on 22/11/2020 16:03 by eurortraveller

Lucky people ? Not really.

When I was their age I had children aged 2, 8, 10 and 12 - all at school plus ferrying them to cubs, swimming lessons, football practice, sleepovers, birthday parties, and so on. No regrets at all. Life was good. 

Would I wish I had  lived in a van with a lot of dogs? Not in the least 


Posted on 22/11/2020 16:21

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Takethedogalong replied on 22/11/2020 16:42

Posted on 22/11/2020 16:42

It’s a nice story about a youngish couple, blessed enough to be financially stable, but with health issues, who have found a nice little niche for the present.

Life is what you make of it really, no one really knows what might be around the corner, and folks choose and cope differently. 

One person’s idyll is another person’s nightmare. 

Takethedogalong replied on 22/11/2020 16:45

Posted on 22/11/2020 15:44 by Rufs

but they will have a weight restriction, 5 dogs, 2 bikes, 2 people, and judging by the fact that they are an enterprising couple writing many books, no doubt lap tops etc, plus all their wordly posessions ?


Posted on 22/11/2020 16:45

Forget the dogs. Those five small ones won’t weight as much as our two Labs, and we coped easily, including two bikes. Not everyone tours with the kitchen sink, and an iPad is a whole lot lighter than a typewriter!😁

DavidKlyne replied on 22/11/2020 16:47

Posted on 22/11/2020 16:47

I think we are getting a bit distracted by the minutia here. I don't suppose for one moment that on deciding to do this the immediate thought came into their mind on how much it would cost for dogs on campsites, if indeed they actually use campsites.  Surely it is a story about a couple who, having had difficulties in their "ordinary" lives Have decided to break free and try something different. Not many of us are  brave enough to do that , I don't think I would be. Having broken free they have broadened their horizons into writing etc. Sounds like a success story to me? Where would we be if the likes of Laurie Lee had not "Wandered off one summer morning". 


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