Rated 4 of 5

Rated 4 of 5

Peace and tranquility

Rated 5 of 5

Access to local places of interest

Rated 5 of 5

Beauty of surroundings and scenery

Rated 5 of 5

Ease of arrival/welcome

A credit to the owners

We arrived at this site on Friday pm to the welcome of the owner. The owners have made this into a perfect C.L. the toilet is spotlessly clean and as has been said in other reviews that the shed that is the shower and toilet room has to seen it holds so much.  The site is kept immaculate,  the dog walk is excellent and saves having to walk along the lanes. This is how a C.L should be as in how it is kept. We would not look for a Loo and shower in a C.L and we would not usually pay £16 a night for a C.L , but that said it is a credit to them. Well done.


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replied on 07/05/2015 12:22

Posted on 07/05/2015 12:22
